I know this is going to be hard to admit for some of you, but you need to take a seat and listen, becaue it is the truth. Some of you have already accepted it and moved on, while others are (and still will be) in denile about this, but it is the truth: MS has dumped you, they dumped you for the suburban socccer mom crowd who drives a mini van with her kids, and they did so with Kinect. I'm sorry that I had to be the one to tell you, but it's important to face the truth. The only thing you can expect from MS is more sesame street and Kinect sports, sure you can say Halo but we all know it's not the same without Bungie.
It's over guys, and next gen will just be a repeat most likely anyway, a new xbox that will only be slightly more powerful and pushing Kinect 2.0, this is the future of the xbox brand, and if you dont like it then let me tell you the good news. There is hope! It's called the Playstation, you can enjoy playing games online for FREE with a mature and adult community (360 is for kids, just look at the dashbord) and you can finally join the 21st century with Blu Ray and not have to worry about your system failing on you. And the best part of all is, you get games to play! Wow who would have thought, a game system that actually has games to play!
You havea choice, you can either stick and accept that you'll never have any good games to play ever again, or you can make the right choice and get lot's of games to play. And don't get upset at me if you can't get a PS3, it's not my fault you didn't choose to buy the better system.
no company gives a f*** about there fanbase beyond there wallets, do you honestly think if Move had been as successful as kinect that SONY wouldn't be pushing in that direction, companys are out to make money,end of, the only reason PSN is free is because if it was a paid service the Ps3 would lose one of it's main selling points over the 360, do yourself a favour, look after yourself and go for what YOU want, F*** big corperations, only one company has ever cared if one of there fanbase dropped down dead, gearbox, do you think SONY would even mention you if you died mate?Like I said, denile....And Sony would know if I died, Kevin Butler came to my birthday party! All companies care about money that's ture, but some of them keep their fanbase happy to get that money, others dump their fanbase and go to another one for that cash.
Which is exactly what MS has done to you, and what does this have to do with Move? It's doing ok, but not to Kinect level, only difference is that Sony is marketing Move as a fun add on, MS is marketing Kinect as the future of Xbox and the sole reason to own one, it used to be about giving their fanbase games but not anymore.
There's the ShadowMoses I know and lo... well, at least know. I came here looking for a good laugh and I had to read a few posts to find it, but there it is in bold. Cracked me up for some reason. Especially since you're talking about a mature community and then posting about you're birthday party, they're just parties once you get past 13 years old.
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