[QUOTE="xbox360isgr8t"]the refurbs are traded in consoles. GS/EB does what they want with them. MS has nothing to do with it. dotWithShoes
Your right and wrong. The refurbs are traded in consoles but GS/EB does not do what they want with them and MS does have something to do with it. The fact is there is so many bad consoles that MS goes back and fixes that it would too hard to not see that there is some type of cycle going on and this a way of selling used 360's to the public from a store.
As shady and low of a company as Gamestop is, I don't have much faith in their ethics. I'm sure that they have something worked out with MS where they are buying up refurbrished 360's thus a reflection of the price. There is just too much a business behind closed doors for MS to not play some type of role in all of this.
It doesn't matter though because in the end the price is gonna come down real quick to around $100.
Another thing that you are losing credit on is that MS only dropped the price by $50 and GS only dropped it by $10. Its so obvious that MS does not want a 360 out on the market for just $100. They used to drop the price by $100 but each time its gets lower and lower they make a smaller and smaller price drop than before.
You're just wrong in so many ways, and the person you quoted was right on both accounts. MS has no call over PreOwned/GS Refurb prices. Why would GameStop lower their price $50 for? When the Arcade is sold out, there will be no more made.. The Arcade/Elite models are not being made any longer. The prices were lowered on the current models to clear stock, just as they did when they dropped the price of the Pro to $249, clearing stock. What Microsoft does have control over is the price of the Microsoft refurbish systems, which were also dropped $50. You can buy a MS refurbed Elite for $199 at GameStop.GameStop sells the refurb/preowned systems at the price they want to make the profit they want, which honestly isn't as large as many people would believe. You buy something for $60(which is the current trade in value of a 360 console), and then sell it for $139. Out of that $80 'profit' you have made, you have to take into account paying the employee who processed it, paying for the box it was sold in, paying the rent on the building it was stored in(which it could stay in for weeks/months), as well as paying to have the system fixed if it breaks within the first 30 days of ownership. That $80 profit isn't really $80.
The GS price for a preowned/refurb Xbox 360 wont be at $100 for some time yet. (edited to add paragraphics)
Thats exactly my point is that MS does have control over how much Gamestop is willing to charge per a 360 system that refurbrished. MS does not want a $100 360 on the market whether its new or refurbrished. Less the $50 drop for the new console and $10 drop for a refurbrished console are more than enough evidence that MS is involved in the pricing of the used 360s.
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