This generation has been amazing for game development. As a game dev working on two unannounced games, I'm thrilled that Steam, MS, Sony and Nintendo have revised their indie stances and have made game development easier and better than ever in making titles for their platforms. However, there is one remaining issue that is crippling game development on one specific platform: the Xbox One. I'd like to take a moment to explain what that issue is, how it has affected development, and what can be done about it.
What is the Indie Parity Clause?
The indie parity clause dates back to the Xbox 360, where MS mandated that you could not release a game on the 360 at a later date than any other version without having exclusive free content for Xbox owners.
Since the launch of the XB1, MS has revised that policy for the worse. Now that loophole is closed, and devs are not allowed to release an XB1 version of their game, period, if they have already released it on PS4. At the time of the indie parity announcement, MS allowed games that were already announced for PS4 to be released at a later date on XB1. Those games included Contrast, Warframe, and many other PS4 launch window titles. There are now no more titles that fall under this loophole.
There are three ways around this clause. The first is to release your game simultaneously on PS4 and XB1. The second is to launch first on XB1 and release a PS4 version later. Finally, the third is asking Phil Spencer for a free pass, which has NDA'd guidelines and specifics that I cannot get into, nor know the specifics of.
Why would this hurt developers?
Indie devs typically have small amounts of staff, and tend to "roll out" games gradually on a number of platforms. While the architecture of XB1 and PS4 may seem similar enough, it's incredibly difficult to simultaneously develop for both platforms at the same time. First off, each one has their own certification process and requirements. One build may pass on one platform, but fail on the other. You have to constantly revise release date estimates until both versions are in line with each other, and even then, you'll have platform specific bugs that you'll have to fix at the same time once both versions launch. It is a bit of a nightmare, to say the least. That's why many devs opt to focus on one platform, typically the biggest one (Steam), and then go from there.
Why not develop for XB1 first?
This is inherently why the parity program exists: to give XB1 exclusive games without the need for exclusive marketing or financial deals. But yes, that's a question that cannot be universally answered. Many devs have their own personal reasons. I can only share my own.
I applied to both the ID@Xbox program and the Sony developer program back in Feb. While both programs are fantastic and have great people behind them, I was able to get my Xbox One dev kit first by a few months. Theoretically this should have allowed me to get started on an XB1 port of my game except for one issue: the engine I use, GM Studio, would not be supporting XB1 until later this year. PS4/Vita support was already built into the engine. So, I started studying PS platform requirements, APIs, and GM Studio integration in preparation for my dev kits which I received last month. Through no fault of my own, I was developing first for Playstation because that's the engine that was available to me via GM Studio. My PS4 game will be ready much earlier than my XB1 version. And despite having an XB1 dev kit, MS doesn't want my game at a later date. They want me to delay my PS4 version until I can get the XB1 version out the door. And that's impossible for me to do from a scheduling and financial standpoint. And so, just like that, I'm unable to make XB1 games, even though I very much want to. Even though I'm an ID@Xbox dev. Even though I have a dev kit right here next to me.
PS4 Indie Game Reveals and Announcements (since Sept. 1st, 2014)
(compiled using the PS Blog and official developer sites. Does NOT include releases or more details on already announced games, only first time reveals of games with the few noted exceptions.)
-Flockers (PS4/XB1 announced on 9/1)
-Super Mega Baseball (PS4/PS3 announced on 9/17)
-Nova-111 (PS4/Vita/XB1 announced on 9/19)
-Thomas Was Alone (PS4/XB1 announced 9/19)
-RIDE (PS4/XB1 announced on 9/19)
-LA Cops (PS4/XB1 announced on 9/20)
-Peggle 2 (PS4 announced 9/24, XB1 version already released)
-Shu ("Playstation Platforms and PC" announced 9/24)
-Moon Hunters (PC/PS4/Vita announced 9/25)
-OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood (PS4/Vita announced 9/25)
-Whoa Dave! (PS4/Vita announced on 9/26)
-Viking Squad (PC/PS4 announced 9/26)
-Spelunky (PS4 port announced on 10/1)
-Fluster Cluck (PS4 announced on 10/1)
-Once Upon Light (PS4 announced on 10/9)
-Rebel Galaxy (PS4 announced on 10/17)
-Lost Sea (PS4 announced on 10/24)
-Costume Quest 2 (PS4/XB1/PS3 and more, announced 10/24)
-Battle Islands (PS4, announced and released 10/24)
-Lost Sea (PS4/XB1 announced 10/25)
-Slasher: Summer Camp Volume 1 (PS4/XB1 announced 10/31)
-Retro City Rampage: DX (PS4/Vita/PS3, announced 11/3)
-Terraria (PS4/XB1 port announced on 11/6)
-Jackbox Party Pack (PS4/XB1 announced on 11/7)
-Henka Twist Caper (PS4 announced 11/10)
-Y2K (PS4/Vita announced on 11/10)
-Armikrog (PS4 announced on 11/10)
-The Banner Saga (PS4/XB1 port announced on 11/10)
-Kyn (PS4 announced on 11/10)
-Toren (PS4 announced on 11/10)
-Roundabout (PS4/Vita announced on 11/11, already announced for XB1)
-Lost Orbit (PS4 announced on 11/11)
-Speakeasy (PS4 announced on 11/11)
-RELATIVITY (PS4 announced on 11/11)
-We Are Doomed (PS4/Vita/XB1 announced on 11/12)
-Gunsport (PS4/XB1 announced on 11/12)
-Tinertia (PS4 port announced on 11/13)
-Capsule Force (PS4 announced on 11/13)
-Klaus (PS4/Vita announced on 11/14)
-Grave (PS4 announced on 11/17, already announced for XB1)
-Gianna Sisters Director's Cut (PS4/XB1 announced on 11/17)
-Aqua Kitty (PS4/Vita announced on 11/18)
-Wander (PS4 announced on 11/19)
-Gunship X (PS4 announced on 11/19, originally announced for Vita)
-ROCKETSROCKETSROCKETS (PS4 announced on 11/20)
-Hatoful Boyfriend (PS4/Vita port announced on 11/24)
-Commander Cherry's Puzzled Journey (XB1/PS4 announced on 11/24)
-Ninja Pizza Girl (PS4 announced on 11/25)
-Close Castles (PS4 announced on 12/1, announced playable at PSX)
-Distance (PS4 port announced on 12/2, announced playable at PSX)
-Rocket League (PS4 announced on 12/2, announced playable at PSX)
-Miegakure (PS4 announced on 12/4, announced playable at PSX)
-Ultratron (PS4/XB1 announced on 12/4, announced playable at PSX)
-Blood Bowl 2 (PS4/XB1 announced on 12/4, announced playable at PSX)
-King's Quest (PS4/XB1, announced at PSX)
-Killing Floor 2 (port to PS4, announced at PSX)
-The Forest (port to PS4, announced at PSX)
-Darkest Dungeon (PS4, announced at PSX)
-Bastion (port to PS4, announced at PSX)
-Orcs Must Die: Unchained! (PS4, announced at PSX)
-Skytorn (PS4, announced at PSX)
-Shovel Knight (PS4/PS3/Vita, announced at PSX)
-Super Time Force Ultra (port to PS4, already released on XB1, announced at PSX)
-Wattam (PS4, announced at PSX)
-Enter the Gungeon (PS4, announced at PSX)
-What Remains of Edith Finch (PS4, announced at PSX)
Apparently there have been announce since September some 47 indies which are not announce for xbox one probably for this same reason.
This is an Indie developer on neogaf several other join into the thread as well and even Phill Spencer was tag on tweeter.
He explains how he even got xbox one kits before PS4 ones and MS miss steps didn't allow him to work on the game because of missing tools,worse he stated that MS want him to delay the freaking PS4 version something he will not do for financial reason..
Ms should drop the shit clause about indies is not working and it is only making indies side step the xbox one,in the end this = less games for lemmings to play and less games on xbox one..On a time where indies are on fire and making better and better games each day.
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