I would say it's more Nintendo being greedy for not dropping the price of the console they have been making a killing on since launch due to using cheap hardware compared to the price they were selling it for. The 360 has been out longer also so its obvious they are going to have more price drop's though, but Nintendo seriously needs to drop the price for the Wii. justforlotr2004
It is offer and demand. Do you think that the PS3 and 360 got price drops because MS and Sony aren't greedy? Nope. If they were selling as good as the Wii they wouldn't have do it. Maye the 360 one (2.5 years is more than mandatory an price cut, even if you sell tha candy), but nothing more.
The Wii is selling extremely well, and it is relative "young", so, actually, there's no reason for them to make a price drop.
Actually, considering that Ebay sells the Wii at a much higher price (and tons of people buy it) the logical thing for Nintendo from a business perspective (offer and demand) would be a price rise. And I'm sure they know it.
So I wouldn't call them "too greedy".
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