Knowing what you know now, that word of mouth creates hype, and hype can lead to the success or failure of a console, do you have any regrets? Do you wish you told more people about the Dreamcast? Do you wish more people were better informed about the available products so that they would have made the "better" choice?
I would assume so. And not that one person could change the whole face of the concoles business, but that one among others could.
No. The Dreamcast made its own mis-cues and mistakes. I am not Sega's PR department. People played my DC, and many people liked it, but more people were swayed by the PS2 and what it was capable of. Toy Story visuals, anyone?
That's what PS3 owners are running into now. That if you could only afford one console (like most) you had to choose one. And you obviously think that one is the "better" choice. So, seeing it fail due to BS hype makes you want to stop it. Makes you want to call out the BS as BS.
What you or I think is the "better" console is immaterial. Our opinions are relavent to ourselves alone, and the market as a whole will decide what it feels is the "better" console with sales. In this case, it appears that more people are currently finding the Wii to be the "best" system, regardless of how many people you tell about the PS3.
And I don't think the label or name on the box is just something to ignore. It obviously means something. To many, currently, 360 means RRoD. And to many, PS3 means no games.
The names on the console are, again, meaningless. You are correct that there are perceptions, but the ones you listed are only perceptions of fanboys. When the general market hears the names, here is what they think:
Xbox: Halo
Playstation and Nintendo means game system. Its become the "Kleenex" term for game systems, and each is used about as much as the other now.
Only the most hard of gamers think of the RRoD or the PS3 having no games or the Wii only having shovelware. Most people don't pay attention to gaming news, or read forums, or visit gaming sites. Most buy the system that has the most games that look good sitting on the rack next to the system, or the system that is sold to the, via hype/ads/clerks/etc.
I believe the "no games" argument on the PS3 is false. Was it true in March of 2007? Yes. True now, no. I also the "RRoD" argument is true. There is undeniable proof. And there have also been no proof that any fixes have worked. Granted, not enough valid time has passed to really make a determination.
The PS3 has games. Of course it does. But its library is dwarfed by the 360's library still at this moment. And yes, the RRoD is very much real, but for every case of it happening, there is a free fix. Yes, it means some downtime (In my case, each time was 1-2 weeks at most) but its free, and at least there is a fix in place.
Do I wish the RRoD was non-existent? Of course, but its real, and MS is doing a good job at taking the responsibility for it, IMO.
With that said, the label on the box means a lot. PS3 means a slow start console with a ton of bang for its buck and a very bright future, all backed by a storied past. This is being said by many industry, unbiased persons. Not just fanboys.
And 360 means great games and a flood of hardware issues that can keep you from said games. It also means possible issues in the future due to past MS history and hardware misses that have started trickling in (no standard HDD, no high capacity disc media, no motion sensing).
And here is the fabled "future-proof" argument. No console is future-proof. Yes, the 360 could have used high-capacity discs, but at the time it came out, it would have been very rough, at best, to incorporate them into the system, and it would also have driven the cost of the system through the roof.
Should the 360 have had a standard HDD? IMO, yes. But they went the way they did for marketing reasons, and still, 2 + years into the 360's life, there is still little proof that high-capacity discs or a standard HDD was needed this generation. There are some things you can point to, such as Blue Dragon, but those are vastly in the minority compared to the other 100+ average to great titles that fit on a DVD-9 without the need for an HDD.
It all means that as PS3's library grows the choice on which console to get gets more and more on PS3's side. Yes, I know, MS won't stop making games. But as time goes on, the exclusives will sway a few, not many. It will be the hardware that makes the difference. And that comes down to features and reliability. Edge, PS3.
Yes, the PS3's library will undoubtedly get better. And the PS3 has better overall features. However, the Wii is clearly showing that muscle and a great game library is not needed for sales at this stage.
And MS will not just sit still and let Sony lap it. Both consoles have stellar titles coming in 2008, and I am sure in 2009 as well.
Obviously, not everyone can get all the systems. But those who get 1 or 2 make choices based on what games they want to play more than what people tell them to get, and on that front, each system has something different to offer, and that is why I see this generation much more evenly split in terms of hardware sales by the end of the generation.
Each system offers something unique, and owning only one or two will certainly cut you off some great experiences. But like every generation before it, the market will choose its winner, and like every generation before it (not including the PS2 era), those winners tend to be surprises.
All the fighting ultimately makes this a potentially more rewarding generation, with each manufacturer trying for something different, and as a gamer, I am very grateful for that.
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