That's right, they will release Halo 5 and then drop the price to $400. Sales will skyrocket. That is one hell of a trump card.
Sony can't and won't respond with even a $50 price drop because it wouldn't benefit them.
What can stop MS after that?
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That's right, they will release Halo 5 and then drop the price to $400. Sales will skyrocket. That is one hell of a trump card.
Sony can't and won't respond with even a $50 price drop because it wouldn't benefit them.
What can stop MS after that?
In answering this question, I can only say I look forward to the day when the Xbone price drop occurs. It will be good for the machine.
However, it's folly to automatically assume Sony will standstill while allowing the competition to price drop. In actuality based on last generation, the generation before that, and the generation before that, Sony was effective with price drops against the competition. I'd imagine they will be prepared when that day comes with price drops and bundles of their own.
I've lived through and witnessed first hand the Saturn-N64-PS1 price drops, the Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube/Xbox price drops, and the Wii, PS3, and 360 price drops. It's silly to assume one company will make a sudden price drop and the other won't counter it. History has shown us the exact opposite, especially Sony in this case. The price drop history is all there for you to research.
It's not a trump card, it's a matter of time before the Wii U, PS4, and Xbone do price drops. Wii U has already done one price drop. The Xbone will be the toughest to get the price down, but one quick way of doing that is to offer a kinectless Xbone sku soon and that could be a fantastic move if improving sales is their goal. If M$ insists on keeping the Xbone as it is and dropping the price, it's going to take awhile, and during that time Sony and Nintendo will be making their preparations on their own price drops as well.
Also, 343 has taken over the Halo brand, and the franchise has lost some of it's lustre with critics and Halo fanatics, especially looking at the reviews and hugely diminished online community for Halo 4. It's still a huge franchise no doubt, but it's not what it was. Besides, not everyone loves Halo. I have many, many 360 friends that don't like the series but are 360 fans. Games like upcoming Evolve, COD, Battlefield, Destiny, and Titan Fall aren't helping the Halo series either.
Sorry but that trump card is getting old and it didn't even work that well against the PS3 back in 2007.
Except for only 11% of Xbox gamers even bought Halo 4 and many didnt even like it. Since video games have a no return policy, the sales stand. After people caught wind of how bad it was compared to Bungie titles, the sales pretty much halted.
That's right, they will release Halo 5 and then drop the price to $400. Sales will skyrocket. That is one hell of a trump card.
Sony can't and won't respond with even a $50 price drop because it wouldn't benefit them.
What can stop MS after that?
Do you have a link for this or is this just a fanboy hope?
Don't know if that is going to go over that well though. Halo 4 did sell well, but people do seem to hate it
1. Halo is loosing popularity.
2. Halo 5 isnt coming in 2014.
3. MS wont lower X1 price by $100... unless they abandon Kinect
4. TitanFall is MS trump card and we'll see how it goes...
If Microsoft drops to $399 they will taking a loss unless they gimp the console by removing Kinect or even worse the disc drive.
Even without Kinect the weaker Xbone costs more than the PS4 to manufacture.
That's right, they will release Halo 5 and then drop the price to $400. Sales will skyrocket. That is one hell of a trump card.
Sony can't and won't respond with even a $50 price drop because it wouldn't benefit them.
What can stop MS after that?
Halo 5 is delayed until next year. You better have brought a book because it's gonna be a long wait, son.
Troll post? Troll post.
We have pretty much near-confirmation that Halo 5 is coming out next year, not this year. And if they drop the price to $400 (which is difficult without removing Kinect), why would they do it before Halo 5 comes out (or Halo 2 Anniversary, as is believed is coming this year)?
If anything, they would want to keep the price at $500 for this year's halo game to potential income.
To me Halo 5 has been pushed to 2015 so it gives EA that time frame to milk many gamers from TITANFALL sales until Halo is due for release next year. However if the other rumours are true about Halo 2 HD along with Halo 3/4 port then you will see more boost in profit.
I only see the Xbox One console coming down in price later on in the year/s IF Microsoft decide to make Kinect optional. Maybe even if Microsoft made a slim version with upgradable hard drive.
No doubt even if there was a Limited Edition Xbox One console in the form of Halo here you will see huge sales and even if there is a white Xbox One!
Every company has a trump card up their sleeve, you know what it's called -- A November Release. All three console companies have an exclusive title coming out at the end of the year that's going to move tons of units.
Troll thread lololloll.
The X1's doing just fine. At this stage in the console race, both X1 and PS4 will be hitting their strides after the multiplat cross console bs is over. (Afterall, who actually bought Asscreed on the X1 or PS4 just to have a prettier port? lmao)
I'd be much more worried about Pauperstation 4 with all it's indies and lack of games.
I'm fairly sure the last remaining Halo fans have got a Bone already for Titanflop.
Besides, you aren't getting Halo 5 this year. It'll be a Halo 2 rehash.
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