If someone knows why please tell me. You Know how hard is to have that drop in stocks, the normal drop for MS in the las year was 5.04%. And in the other hand Sony has been going down in stocks about 0.06% in the last year, and about an hour ago it just climb a huge 5.82% thats huge.
MS Stocks value = 29.75
Sony stock value = 29.2
Wow, more people with zero business education talking about stocks and net worth of companies. Stocks really don't mean too much outside of public opinion. There could be a rumor of a merger, stock price will change. Whether that rumor was true or based off of anything is totally irrelevant to the stock price changing. These things rise and fall with any little tid bit of information released.
Dude I'm an economist and i check dailysome stocks, and what happened today its rare its not normal that MS loose 6.18% of his stocks and Sony won 5.82% thats my point. Please try to understand itPelon208
Wow @ an economist saying MS loosed 6.18% and that Sony won 5.82%. Hehe, in what contest did they win a market value increase? I gotta agree with the guy saying you're BSing
I actually have stocks with MS and sony as well as many others im trying to geep my money balanced out so that the crunch of the recession wont hit me hard
You know, diversification and a balanced portfolio would be not purchasing two stocks in the tech industry.
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