Its not about Kinect.
Coming off the original Xbox MS were in a sticky situation. We see 25 million consoles sold, beating one of the competitors and a solid line-up. But to MS, they lost 1 billion, failed to gain significance in most markets and saw their main competitor reach new heights. For those that arent familiar with MS' reason for entering the console space, they basically saw Sony's Playstation as a threat to their Windows market. So with the PS2 growing even more you could guess things werent looking too good.
Which brings us to this gen.
It was MS' first console and they made mistakes naturally. Truth is, they made a very niche console. It had popular genres sure but it only catered to a small section of the gaming userbase.
With the 360 MS pretty much said scew this, lets start again. They took into consideration all markets and aimed to deliver a unique console. Here are some of the games they pulled earlier on (all of these games were exclusive at the time).
- They understood the importance of JRPG in JPN and the West. So they funded Former S-E and creator of FF with some of his games. Whether you agree or disagree, the 2 games put out for the 360 vere solid. LO as of today has sold 1 million copies WW. Yup, a new IP JRPG exclusive to the 360 has sold that well. They also got in there with other devs in order to bring games such as Eternal Sonata and Trusty Bell to the 360. You cant deny how helpful this has been to us. Firstly theyve brought games that would have otherwise stayed in their country and secondly theyve drastically reduced the time we wait for localisation.The only reason we got ES PS3 released here is because it sold well on the 360.
- They understood the importance of Capcom. At the start of the gen, they got in with Capcom and the end product were games like Dead Rising and Lost Planet. I remember reading interviews in 2006 where they stated the games were specifically developed for the 360 in order to appeal to Western audiences. Otherwise had it not been for MS, these games probably wouldnt have existed.
- They understood the importance of Nintendo. Looking back, i dont think theres any light hearted original Xbox games outside of the Oddworld games. Anyway they bought Rare last gen but didnt utalise them. They knew how important they were with most of their N64 games selling 5 million+ and were determined to capitalise on it. Right out of the gate you got great games such as Kameo, PDZ which were soon followed by the amazing VP and Banjo N&K. They wanted those Nintendo gamers and were throwing as much as they could give at them.
- And of course, they understood what the core Xbox user wanted. They were too were also fed and drawn in with Project Gotham, Halo, Gears etc.
Anyway the point im making is it seems as if MS is going back to their Xbox 1 strategy. Which is cater to the crowd that buys the Forzas, Halos, Gears, Fables etc.
At the start of this gen, MS came at it HARD. They knew exactly what they needed to get and how to do it. The thing they dont understand was working, just quite rather slow. The original Xbox sold around 400k in japan whilst the 360 hovers around 1.2 million (it in equal time). Also did you know that before the release of WKC, the highest selling JRPGs in Japan were Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey (this gen)? LO even sold more than the first Final Fantasy. Had MS kept at the series, theres no doubt it could have been up there with FF, DQ, Tales, SMT etc.
Games like Dead Rising/lost planet sold the 360 to a whole new userbase. Both in Japan and Europe, these games were enjoying great success and were pushing the 360. The once FPS/WRPG console was becoming diverse. The Rare games whilst down a notch (of course, they were missing most of last gen) again was pushing the 360 to new audiences.
For some reason MS has seemed to drop their relentless assault, which doesnt really make much sense. The reason why the 360 has nearly doubled the original Xbox's sales is because of all the things they did earlier on, not this routine which did not fair so well for the O Xbox. Ive pointed it to one thing, third parties multiplating everything. I dont think MS expected to recieve so many renouned PS franchises. This in turn has made them feel they dont need to push the areas they were lacking in last-gen (and were trying to fix earlier this gen).....i think. I guess you could attribute their run to the year head start but it seems more than that to me.
It just seems like theyve chucked all that hardwork they put in earlier this gen out the window. Theyve practically given up on Japan, hell they didnt even try for a 360 FF13 release, that would have definately moved consoles regardless of the PS3 ver. And there are many other areas where theyve just given up. I dont think its because of Kinect, to me it still looks like a little something on the side. Theyre sticking to what they think works, which is fine dont get me wrong (i love Halo, forza etc.) but they could be doing so much more.
What do you guys think about MS? Do you like how theyve changed so suddenly midway through this gen (not in regards to kinect)? I havent explained this so well, ill update in the morning when im wide awake.
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