Poll MS's E3 LEAKED? Includes a list of games and annoucements for 2018 and 2019! (34 votes)
Found this leak of MS's potential E3 announcements this year, what do you think if true?
I must admit, I am a bit jelly over The Last Night. It reminds me of one of my favorite games of all time on the Sega Genesis Flash Back.
Everything else is pretty much what I expected. Nothing big this year.
2019 I expected them to release a new Halo, now we have the name for the project :Genesis. Maybe a sort of reboot like God of War?
Out of the list I'm probably most interested to see the Joanna Dark game. Overall I'm surprised that they wouldn't show the new Fable project (though that could change at the last moment) but as I've said before, the new AAA games they're working on are pretty much all going to be for the next gen.
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