Actually, it depends on where you are looking. Batman for instance was voted better looking at LensofTruth, whereas IGN just mentioned Xbox was better, Lens broke it down. Digital foundry did a breakdown of Batman's DEMO, but that doesn't mean much, it was just a DEMO. Basically, on 360, Batman is more ZOOMED in so the 360 hardware doesn't draw as much as the PS3, but there are other small things, just read about Batman in the LINK above. Also, the PS3 has had not just the EXCLUSIVE JOKER Content for BATMAN, but even more EXCLUSIVE DLC for Batman Since then!
Then there's Killzone 2, which right now is arguably the Console Graphics King. Why? Because it took about 3 1/2 to develop, and no other platform to worry about. That's why it looks so great, however, Uncharted 2 only took two years, and it's also considered a BEAST in Graphics (although it's not out yet).
It's true that the games are about equal, but many do have a slight 360 advantage, but it's quite simple.
PS3 has a LOT of juice under the hood, however, it's HARD to use all of it.
THe 360 is very, very easy to use, even if it may not be as powerful, it's close enough, and since it's easier to use, voila.
Besides, the other issue is almost all games are made on 360 and ported over, and when that's not the case, you have the "easy to use 360" answer stated above this sentence.
Games like Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 etc...are designed for ONE Hardware, the PS3, so the devs don't have to worry about making the game in question run good on MULTIPLE Hardware (PC/360). IT's all about the PS3 for those devs.
It's a shame that devs have to work harder to exploit the PS3, but that's how Sony designed it, you have to take the good with the bad.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 looks amazing for example, but it is coming a year later on PS3, same for the amazing looking Oblivion on PS3...same for Fight Night Round 3, etc.
I must say that the Graphics Issue is So Small, so minute, it's crazy that people are still looking for tiny pixels for OWNAGE. The PC blows the 360 and PS3 away, yet these console gamers are digging desperately for tiny ownage.
Only HUGE graphical issues should really even be looked at (Like When Fallout 3 first shipped, although now it's fine...even the DLC is equal for Fallout 3 now).
Actually, Lens Of Truth was being pretty biased on Batman: AA, where they missed some details such as the 360 having 2xAA, while the PS3 version doesn't have AA at all. I think that the reason they went for the PS3 version is because of the exclusive joker content. Plus Oblivion, I believe, has even got a patch which updates the graphics for the 360 version.
I put the link above, they weren't biased, they broke it all down. Did you see Batman's ZOOMED in on 360? Also, the PS3 got more than JOKER as exclusive DLC, just last week PS3 got even MORE exclusive DLC! It's true that the 360 got a patch, but that patch didn't improve the game up to the PS3's graphical fidelity, but it did improve the game more, yes. Have you popped in the game in your own PS3 and 360 to see the differences?
I never understand why someone says something Like AA, Textures, or something for ownage, when it's about All the graphics, not a part of it. Prototype looks better on PS3 because of some textures, whoopee! It's so beneath us to bother with minute details like this, I think.
There is a lot going on in these games, LIGHTING, TEXTURES, AA, Shadows, and so on. Looking at just AA, and pointing is pointless. AA is just one of a 1000 different things that need looked at.
I am not going to argue about Batman or other games, it's pointless pixel counting, when clearly the PC destroys both anyways. It's so, so, so, so pointless.
Anyways, the bigger issue was the PS3 is Powerful BUT the PS3 is also harder to exploit, the 360 was better designed for developers giving comparable power.
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