Hey everyone, i have a high end radeon 4870 x2 quad core pc, ps3, and 360. I didnt plan it that way, it just happened. The most important thing I care about is graphics. While gamespot and eurogamer did do some features about comparing among the 3, i still am having much aggravation deciding which version to buy.
So I'm starting a tentative list here of which version of a game I am led to believe GRAPHICALLY LOOKS the best (taking into consideration with PC settings on very high - to max) .
And let me just say first off...IT IS A MYTH THAT A MULTIPLATFORM GAME WILL ALWAYS LOOK THE BEST AT MAX SETTINGS ON A HIGH END PC. (examples where the pc versions are ATROCIOUS include NHL09, Resident evil 4, Halo 2).
360: 1) MK vs DC (much crisper on the 360, and the PS3 has 'missing' eye candy),
2) Saints Row 2 (sucks on ps3 and the pc is even worse?? Can someone please confirm that there are no pc enhancements at all to SR2).
PC:1)Fallout 3*2) Far Cry 2* 3)Devil May Cry 4*4) GRID* 5) Mass Effect* 6)Bioshock*
7)Gear of War 1 (without a doubt I am sure that GOW1 on the PC (with the screen tear fix) looks better than even GOW 2 on 360.
*(clearly demonstrated to be graphically a lot better on PC)
PS3:1)Soulcalibur IV (sharper floors and backgrounds on PS3, character models are identical),
2) NHL 09 (just look at the end of this high def video EA sports side-by-side comparison (it begins with brett favre's mug and is in the middle of the webpage),
run it FULL SCREEN, and u can tell that the textures on the players' jerseys, their facial features/hair/shadows, and team logos/fonts are so much crisper on the ps3 version. PAUSE the video at like the 2:30 mark and look at the side by side shot of Kings player who wears number 35, if u look at his jersey cloth over his left lower back area and shoulder logo and shin gaurds texture, u can actually be shocked that the PS3 has a more detailed look vs 360.
even more obvious, pause at 2:47 mark and look at the side by side profile of Arnott, the 360 "smears and blurs" the helmet and jersey logo.
But what I want to know is if PURE is exactly the same between all 3, also is Left 4 Dead better looking on pc than 360, and I know DiRT is better on ps3 than 360…but is DiRT better on PC than PS3? please feel free to add or contest to this neurotic list.
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