Today, if you were to go out and by a game with multiplayer, you would be lucky if it supported 2 on the same system. Its the rise of the '1 player multiplayer' games.
This needs to stop, I don't care about devs excuses "we don't have enough power...." Come on! We fight here over which system is the best, saying it can do the best graphics the fastest frame rate and so on. But Gears only supports 2 player split-screen while dozens of original X-Box games could support 4! And only 1 player online! Is that because of some lag issue or because the devs a lazy? I don't have 2360s to spare!And Cows, don't get your hopes up because you also have tour own slew of problems. (now watch I'll get a list of all the games that have 4-player support on the PS3.) The same goes for the Wii, but it seems to be doing the best so far hmm........
I hate to do this, but I'm going to bring up Halo as an example. (People tend to write you off as a fanboy if you do this.)
Halo is the perfect example of how multiplayer should be done. If every game had 4 player split-screen online and off plus co-op with such good game making options we might have more lan partys on our calender. Which brings up an interesting story...
Some of myfreinds had set up a Gears lan match. We had 9 people total and 4 360s. Because one xbox had never gone online, it never got an update that the others got. So now we were down to 3. the turn taking became so annoying that we eventually started playing Halo 2. Everyone could play and we tried out fun custom gametypes. That is one of the reasons Halo was such a huge hit.
This is something that we, as gamers, should demand.
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