I has a Wii. I have every best Wii game (all 3 of them, until SMG which will make it 4) and I only want SMG for my Wii this Christmas. I haven't lost faith in it, theres still BRAWL and the numerous wonderful Square Enix titles. I won't buy Battalion Wars II or Fire Emblem simply because whilst playing (rented) I couldn't help but think "they could have honestly made these better and the online play is terrible". I won't buy anything but the very top Wii titles, because I'm tired of wasting money. So now thats out of the way, onto the main point.
PS3 or 360? Funny question to ask, since the 360 has the best games library of all 3 systems, and the best online. Which from my Wii complaints, that should solve my problem right? No.
As it turns out, the PS3 has hope. Ratchet and Clank, and Call of Duty 4 have cought my attention mostly, plus it is now the same price as a 360. All my friends have 360s and play online (if they buy the card) but they get bored of it fast, but they say I should go 360 to play with them. And the one thing I think of is this to combat the friends thing: I had a GC and a PS2 and on my PS2 I fell in love with many series, series which will be reappearing sooner or later on the PS3 (some like Ratchet are out now!). One such series, Final Fantasy 13... so on and so forth. While the 360 has a fantastic lineup, I am not entirely familiar with the series on it, and the PS3 would feel more nostalgic and homey to me.
I also really want Assassins Creed which is for both consoles (and oddly the DS but not Wii... which is odd considering the developers reason for not developing for the Wii...) so I will develop a list, and because the 360 has a great lineup already I will give a game that is on both consoles to the PS3 (its only fair).
Ratchet and Clank: Future TOD
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Assassins Creed
Final Fantasy 13 (eventually)
I suppose Heavenly Sword...
Xbox 360
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Gears of War
Oblivion aswell
Anyhoo, a short list comparing titles. It does all come down to the games, and thats where my hope for the PS3 conflicts with the great 360 lineup. Some opinions that could change my mind to side with one or the other would be great, need some strong arguments here.
And I can only take one or the other, each generation I get only 2 of the 3 systems. Nintendo first obivously.
I just need some strong point against my two main problems,
1- I have hope in my favourite PS2 series coming back to the PS3, theres a package for the PS3, 399 with blu ray spiderman 3(movie)
2- My friends (except for one, who has Wii and PS3) all have a 360, and the 360 has pretty good lineup too.
So flame away! Or post real strong arguments, that are not necessarily biased. I'd prefer the later.
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