So I own all three systems (Wii, PS3, 360).....for now. Thing is, I'm on a student budget and well, I can't afford to keep picking up the hardware add-ons and software for all three consoles. So I need to make a choice and I'm leaning towards selling or trading in my XBOX360.
If you had asked me a couple weeks ago, I'd tell ya I'd get rid of my PS3. Thing is, the exclusive line-up is too strong and interests me more than the 360's for the next year+. I'll take Uncharted, Lair, Heavenly Sword and Ratchet over Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Too Human and Fable 2. Not too mention Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4 and my most anticipated game, Killzone 2.
There are a couple of reasons why I chose the 360 other than the exclusive line-up.
1) I guess it's the least reliable system. Nothing wrong with mine, but people keep claiming it dies. That scares this gamer.
2) It's the least innovative. No Wii motion sensor, no sixaxis.
3) Compared to PS3, it's visually and functionally inferior. It's a less powerful system.
Still, with these things being said, the PS3 and Sony have to do a few things for me before I commit to them.
1) Sony has to stop delaying everything for the next few months.....Lair's push backs are getting ridiculous.
2) The PSstore updates have to be a little bit more than just videos each week. More PS1 games and add-ons are necessary.
3) The install base must increase. Until it's on its on own two feet, it's hard to commit to a potential Dreamcast.
Now don't go off thinking I'm just going to sell the 360 off before HALO 3! That would be madness. Basically, I'll take a few weeks to play Halo 3, so the PS3 must by then prove itself to me by the middle of October or Mid-November at the very latest. At that point, I think I can start to make my choice a little more clearly.
So what do you think? Please discuss and if you can defend the 360 and why I should keep it over PS3. Oh, and the Wii has no chance of going. It's more my brother's console but I want to play Mario Galaxy and the bro show it off to much to the friends for me to get away with ditching it.
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