GameSpot Review
9.4 superb
Gameplay 10
Graphics 9
Sound 10
Value 9
Tilt 9
GameSpot Review
7.0 good
Gameplay 7
Graphics 6
Sound 8
Value 7
Tilt 7
Now we see two reviews. In one, theres a 9.4 and in another, a 7.0.
Lets break it down.
-Xbox: 10
In Jeff's review, he stated that the auto-aim significantly lower the fun. Did he have to use it though? He said there was an option to use M/KB. He said using the M/KB was a disadvantage. This makes no sense to me. Having pinpoint accuracy is always better then using a pad. Even with auto-aim, people with pads will still have a disadvantage to a KB/M. At least that is what PC gamers say. Correct? A well rounded KB/M player will always beat a pad play. Pad players do no have that much freedom. I think Jeff wasn't the greatest at the game and maybe never had the opportunity to see what pinpoint accuracy can do. So from 10 to 7 the autoaim caused a 3 point deduction from one problem. Remember now, the story isn't in this option. It's gameplay which means how well the "Game plays."
-Xbox: 9
-PC: 6
Agreed. It is a 3 year old port with 3 year old graphics.
-Xbox: 10
-PC: 8
I'm not sure how it went down so significantly. There wasn't any problems in the review. Marty McDonnell is a very good music composer and brought everything amazing from the original game back ro the PC. Maybe the PC supports a better sound quality. I don't know. But maybe a 9 would have been more thankful.
-Xbox: 9
-PC: 7
Agreed. It's a 3 year old game. But saying it is a bad story is just his opinion. I really enjoyed the story. I lovded the epic cut-scenes and intriging story line. But going by his opinion, he did not enjoy it at all. It still has the great multiplayer with a new addition of a Map maker.
-Xbox: 9
-PC: 7
Ususally the tilt takes everything in the game and pretty much determines the reviewers experience. Taking in the fact that he didn't enjoy the story, didn't like the auto-aim, and thought it wasn't at a PC FPS standards makes his tilt a 7.
Now after seeing everything from the review compared to the original games ratings, I will try to sway the rating in a positive look at the game.
Gameplay: 8
-By reading the review, the only thing i see is the auto-aim being a con. That still shouldn't lower the rating 3 points. Maybe Jeff just doesn't enjoy the gameplay from Halo. Which would be his opinion and is he right.
Graphics: 6
Sound: 9
-Since nothing really became a probablem and the orignal had great sound, i do not see why this game didn't have just as good sound as the xbox version.
Value: 8
-Lets say someone really enjoys the games story and loves the new map maker. Just opinion.
Tilt: 8
-Like above, if someone enjoys the gameplay and the story then the tilt possibly should be higher.
Review: 8.1
I believe that this score would have been a better result for Halo 2 on the PC. It takes the opinion of an average gamer who would pick up this game for the first time.
PS: Remember review scores never made a game better. Scores are just for fancy. Good games are determind by the player.
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