first off, congrats isdue to Resistance getting 8.5. sounds like a solid game, i hope PSP owners enjoy iy (when PSP is $100 or so i'll pick one up again)
but i made a bet in SW in december, i'm not sure if anyone really took me up on it, someone said they did i remember, but i don't honestly recall who it was
i said DS will have twice as many A, AA, AAA rated games in all of 2009 than PSP does just like DS's trouncing of PSP in gamespots eyes in A, AA, AAA software last year 47 to 18 (i believe may be off by a bit) i also said DS's Q1 lineup would destroy PSP's Q1 line up (but people plz i'm a DS supporter but don't think i don't know the joys of PSP, i had one, its good it just didn't really work for me but there is a huge back catalogue of games for it that are really good, this whole thing is just in interest of entertaining ouselves on SW on the handheld war between DS and PSP, just for entertainment folks so if it sounds too serious than my bad)
but so far my bet is going really good
PSP has had a solid start to the year, a good title for every month
AA- Resistance (8.5), Loco Roco 2 (review released in 2008 but game in 2009 so i count it for 09, did LR2 get a 8.5 or 8?), Prinny (8.0)
A- Star Ocean: Second Evolution (7.5)
good stuff, a good RPG, a goood looking shooter, a weird looking platformer (dunno alot about prinny could belong to another genre) and LR2, good job
now DS
AAA- GTA:CTW (9.5) , Big Bang Mini (9)
AA- Dragon Quest 5 (8.5)
A-Peggle Dual Shot, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, Retro Game Challenge, Elebits, Moon (with Blue dragon barely missing with a 6 , awwww)
so that means3 AA's fo PSP, one A
2 AAAe's for DS, 1 AA and 5 A's
in total 4 PSP games rated 7 or higher so far this year, 8 DS games rated 7 or higher this year
it must be noted that gamespot still hasn't review DS games like Avalon Code (A alot site), Valkyrie Profile (AA ign) , Pokemon Platnium, Black Sigil, Dark Spire, Suikoden (8.8 ign), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of time, CORE. I'D say thats a good potential for another8 A games at least in the next two weeks for DS but crazy things happen
i believe the metacritic A, AA, AAA library comparison is now somewhere near 230 for DS, and 190 for PSP as well life time
it is sad that only 3 PSP game reviews have even been POSTED by gamespot in 2009, not for lateness really, but for lack of PSP releases, when is the next major PSP release? patapon 2 in april right? then what? dissidia got a confirmed suumer date but thats a little vague, KH should be out by fall (for both PSP and DS) and a new tales for both PSP and DS should be out this fall too
so my bet is going good, you guys enjoying th good games for both PSP and DS this year?
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