(just a little background: i was 7 when OOT came out, and on top of that, i never had an n64. TP on Wii is my second zelda game ever [and don't act like that's impossible], the first being windwaker.)
So i just downloaded OOT and i must say, i can see a lot of the stuff jeff was saying about TP retreading familiar territory. (not being a zelda fan, i'm forced to ask: is link's house always up in a tree? and are they even the same links?) as i went around the first town, i noticed that i noticed i had some difficulty with readjusting to a regular controller (i guess the wii can do that, huh?). also, i think some of the music for TP is ripped directly off of the OOT cart (especially the music for when you're selecting your saved game).
TP definately doesn't seem too different, but on the wii at least, i think it can afford to be.... i hate to say a "rehash" (being a sheep, that's one word i definately don't like), but whatever. the reason for that is that the wii controls are the evolution in the gameplay, it just makes so much more of a difference. i can't see myself enjoying the gamecube version though, as that would be rehashy.
Overall, i think OOT is a great game from what i've played so far, and i respect it as a classic turning point in the series, but it also makes me look at TP in a different light. if you asked me if TP was underrated before i played OOT, i would have said "hell yeah," but now 8.8 doesn't seem too off.
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