Okay, Lets start with Splinter Cell Convictions. WTH happened? Stealth is thrown out and replaced with uncharted mechanics....Ubisoft might aswell rename that game( Uncharted: We couldn't think of anything else.)
So much for carrying the tag (true stealth)...i'm honestly NOT suprised, They looked at whats popular out there and just did it, knowing it wouldn't match MGS or any other game with its previous efforts/style of gameplay. How else to wow the audience than to change the mechanics completely into an action game. Now SC looks like every other Gears/Uncharted wannabe out there. Honestly sick of these new sequals using those aspects...and that now brings me to Halo ODST.
WTF is this? A reskined Halo 3 with barely if any gameplay mechanic changes (action gunplay/additions to gameplay/animations) And this is what i was afraid of, i've given Halo 3 enough crap regarding how its too much like Halo 2 gameplay wise, and i'll let that pass, but ODST with all the influences out there and competition they stuck with the same crap, and now what with this horrid story of needing to explore a massive city to find clues, with some AI giving you directions? Bungie could have atleast gave it a fresh look and its unique gameplay eliments for the simple fact that you're NOT the chief but marines with different styles and tactic..but NOOO, lets make it play like chief and just add or rip of the horde mode the left side of the screen 3rd person camera system (gears/uncharted) that should be enough. then again bungie don't have to try, they have enough nostalgic fans to eat it up, just to keep the game on TOP, even tho they have there critisisms...cute.
BTW bungie..get a new graphics engine...its getting real stale. the art work just isn't impressive.
another game that just rips of the mechanics of Uncharted/gears with its own additions of course... and just adds some weird looking ghosts and some great atmosphere. I honestly expected something fresh and different mechanics, but no..another game that looks to be heavy on shooting.
Now enough about that..now to MS Natal garbage.
WTH is this ****?
a wannabe eyetoy...just advanced, with some dream of it being the next big thing in gaming...LOL. GTFO, this is just an answer to what nintendo has done from the get go, MS just mindlessly needed something to stick out, so they rushed it and set them self a huge goal which looks doubtfull to reach, so they shot out with some supposably fake real tech demo and a preview of a family enjoying it. (straight rip off from the wii commercials)
like someone said earlier, i'm willing to bet its just something to get people to NOT talk about the wii and what it has done. I'm am willing to bet much more that the final product won't be what was originally claimed..it will be some casual party tool that hardcore gamers won't care about since it won't even work right, with standard games. I'M honestly real surprised at everyone riding on this hype...considering it isn't even running any game and just isn't REAL for that matter..but already claim it will change gaming as we know it. LOL. MS hasn't even thought the project through and just seem to be dreaming of what the possibilitys could be. Trust them with some hardware/software knowing what they produced with the RROD. Worlds worst console fault everrrr!!!
before you go..bu bu teh sony is da worse....lets take a look:
Sony's Motion wiimote:
Yes, its a a wiimote rip off, yes it isn't something new...but Sony actually played this one smart, not only did they adopt a popular motion controller design..but they perfected it and just made it work better, something the wii mote should have been like from the get go. 1:1 detection and just seems incredible when demoed. We know it will work, because the wiimote works...so we can base it off that and with the needed modifcations and adjustments it'll be incredible with certain games.
okay...thats it, keep in mind this is MY opinion, feel free to critisize and do what you all do best to impress one another.
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