Wii seems like it was designed for kids... I'm sorry, but thats prettty much what it is when every title is rated E for Everyone. I use to love Nintendo, but gaming has changed and so have I. People grow out of Mario games and Zelda games. I don't care about those games anymore because I'm not a kid and I play big boy games. Sounds a little harsh, but that is just the reality of gaming, you grow out of titles and you find new ones. My friends are a mix between 360 and PS3 though, most admit that PS3 has better games. I "was" a 360 user and I got rid of my 360 due to lack of games.
Anyone who really says PS3 is garbage doesn't really know what they are talking about, there are a lot of really great exclusives. X-Box exclusives are growing slimmer and slimmer with more titles being ported over to PS3, just look at the BioShock Series, the Mass Effect Series, the Ninja Gaiden Series etc. Its a fact that 360 is losing major exclusives. PS3 lost some, like Tekken and Resident Evil, but with the last Tekken release 360 can have it haha.
I'm trying to be open, but people just say oh 360 and Wii have great games and I don't see it.
"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up." -C. S. Lewis
You need to mature a bit mate. I'm 23 and still recognize that Zelda and Mario have high quality design and gameplay.
I'm 24 and most people my age don't play those games. In fact most people I know don't have a Wii and if they did they got tired of it and sold it. When I said I wanted to get a Wii my friends told me not to and that I would get tired of it which I eventually did. Like I said earlier, Mario was fun when I was 6, Poke'mon was fun when I was 10, but now games like Assasian's Creed, Call of Duty, Uncharted, Resident Evil games and God of War games are much more appealing. You play with toy cars when your a kid, but you don't do that when your an adult because thats what kids do. The Wii appeals to kids and anyone can argue all they want, but it is a family friendly console for lesiure play with no hardcore gaming in mind. I forgot where I read the article (I think it was on Gamespot or IGN), but it was the owner of Sony talking about the owner or CEO of Nintendo. I think this was at E3 Events, but anyways he said year after year they also checked out Nintendo and were impressed, but over the years they thought the direction Nintendo was going in was stupid and non appealing and they kept getting less and less interested with what Nintendo showcased eventually not caring at all. I'll try to find the article becauses its very interesting, but anyways all I am saying is that Wii is a kids family friendly system and it doesn't look like that is changing anytime soon.
A boy becomes a man when he can appreciate all forms of media for what they're worth.
These "childish" games you speak of were made with tender love and care.
Miyamoto (Mario), Masuda (Pokemon), Aonuma (Zelda), and countless others pour all of their sweat and blood into a product highly praised and loved by gamers of all ages.
Even if YOU don't find them fun, you can at least respect the developers and the fanbase.
I agree, there are some games made for children that capitalize on their naivete.
But Nintendo's products...they are truly games made for EVERYONE.
And in my opinion, I believe games intended for all ages are vastly superior to those with gratuitous amounts of swearing, sex, and violence.
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