And before you get all fanboy, I have (still - and love it) a first gen, 20 gig Xbox 360 that suffered the RROD.
I bought a PS4 about a week ago. Figured I'd try Sony's side of the fence. I absolutely love my 360 and have had a brilliant gaming experience on it. But really, all that was keeping me in the Xbox corner was Halo, and to be frank, while the game is very, very, good, the story is getting a little stale for me. And the RROD thing sucked, but it wasn't a factor in the switch.
I did, however, assume that Sony would provide a more reliable product than did MS. I was wrong.
For a week, I was very happy with my purchase. I got Battlefield 4 and it's been a blast. And then, boom. It stopped communicating with PSN. CE-34878-0 was the error code. The techs said initialize, which erased my game progress and all the rest of the system. Not a big deal since I'd been playing mostly multiplayer. But the PS4 didn't recover from the initializing and bricked.
Now, being only a week with the system, Target took it back and I hesitantly exchanged it for another.
So, I'm declaring System War on all early adopter units of console game machines. In fact, I'm declaring System War on System Wars. I'm all for competition. I think it makes Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo better. But when they rush their product in order to simul-launch their systems, instead of taking the time they need to properly quality control for their product, then we suffer the ramifications.
Lesson learned. Next time, I'm waiting a year. No matter which system I choose.
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