Ok first and foremost i do not like the Wii whatsoever, i dont care how well it sells the wii is and always will be a gimmic to me and a console that caters to the less educated when it comes to video games.. However i must say that im very hyped for Natal. I mean this is MS we are talking about here, they are the kings of tech and they know what they are doing.
One thing that got me excited for this game was when they showed the first trailer and it showed the kid in the living room playing a fighting game and he was the actual character fighting his opponent. Another thing I liked about it was when it showed someone playing soccer, that looked awesome. I think Natal is going be amazing.
I know there is a lot of unanswered questions like hows it going work? will it work for hardcore games? how will it work with FPS? etc etc, well has anyone ever thought that Natal will bring about whole new hardcore gaming experiences that noone has ever thought of yet? How do we know that Natal shooters will be FPS? I think devs can make hardcore shooters from the ground up for natal and make it work and be awesome!
Here is a perfect example on why i think Natal will work.. Ok before games like Sonic the Hedgehog and Metal Gear touch where announced for the iphone/ipod touch everyone was speptical saying it would fail because games like those need "real buttons" well i have Sonic the hedgehog and Metal Gear touch on my Iphone and the both play amazing and just as good as it would on actual controller.
I think MS knows what they are doing and aslong as they have very solid hardcore titles for Natal i think it will be awesome and i cant wait!
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