The Last of Us developer Naughty Dog has outlined its release plans beyond the upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, saying it has "at least one" more game for the current generation of consoles.
In an interview with Finder, community strategist Arne Meyer was asked whether the first-party Sony studio plans to make another title for the company's current generation console.
"I would hope so," he replied. "I would hope we would release a game pretty soon. Our development cycles aren't too long, and I have no idea how long this console generation really is going to last, but, yeah, there's no doubt it should be in this console generation for sure."
Meyer was presented with concerns regarding the length of the current generation, given that Nintendo is preparing to release a follow-up to the Wii U, and the number of games still left for release this generation.
"I mean, I have no doubt--I don't know what the timelines are--but [Naughty Dog has] at least one, maybe two games left in the console generation, maybe more," he said. "Clearly we can release a game really late in a console generation and do well, right?"
In September, Naughty Dog's creative director, Neil Druckmann, said a prototype for The Last of Us 2 was made, but sequel is not currently in development at the studio.
"When Bruce (Straley, co-director) and I moved over to Uncharted 4, we were brainstorming ideas for The Last of Us 2 with characters; ideas for TLOU 2 with Joel and Ellie; ideas for a sci-fi game; ideas for a fantasy game, and building prototypes for each one of those ideas," he explained.
"And just as we were getting close to settling or narrowing that list down, we were asked to work on Uncharted 4."
Later that month, PlayStation boss Shuhei Yoshida confirmed Naughty Dog is brainstorming ideas for a sequel, but the project is not yet confirmed and may not appear for a while.
"Ever since the launch of the first game, people like [The Last of Us creative director Neil Druckmann] are talking about some ideas for a potential sequel, some experiments that they want to do. It's just talks around development."
Now, there are a couple of things we can sorta take from this (long text dudes, my bad):
They say their game cycles are fairly short (which, considering their past output on the PS3 and PS2 is true;) but they also fear the length of the gen. This seems to imply that they are (even if vaguely) aware of when the NX may release. Now that in itself wouldn't lead them to "fear" the end of the current gen, right? After all ND works for Sony and they are in a good place with the PS4. In theory, even if NX released in 2016, there are no reasons to assume Sony (or MS even) would have new hardware ready to answer that, would they?
Well (and it's time for MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SALT HERE BROS. Like, find yourself a salt quarry and stick your head in the largest pile you can find!), what if, what if, ND is aware that Sony (and I would assume MS too btw) actually have some sort of "contingency" plan for new hardware (thus their fears of the gen being short) should the NX end up being a massive success?
Now I know what you're saying right now. "But Des, the PS4 is doing great! There is not logical reason to provide new hardware so soon when it's been doing great and dominating the market!". And you are correct. Assuming a normal continuation of the PS4 sales (both HW and SW) and market share, even if the NX ended up being pretty successful, there would be no reason to actually do anything about it. At worst, the PS4 would have "2nd best" 3rd parties (assuming Ninty gets them and not counting PC of course, which reigns supreme) but it would likely maintain a very good, if not great, share of users.
Well, what if the NX does "eat up" a decent chunk of the PS4 market? In that case, a "contingency" plan would make sense AND give voice to ND's (the current premier Sony 1st party studio) concerns about a possible short gen. I don't think a PS5 (or whatever they'll call it) would release in 2017 or anything. But consider ND's cycles are 2-3 years, and a possible 2018/19 release becomes somewhat feasible.
The other thing, is that the first game after UC4 will indeed be The Last of Us 2/Sequel/Prequel. Which, considering the success of the first game is obvious and makes a lot of sense. That said, the mention of "more than one game" means they have other things going on. And we know UC4 will be the last game from them on the series (though I expect Sony to pass it on to another studio for at least 1 more game). Could it be they're actually working on that supposed sci-fi game? I'd love to see ND's take on sci-fi. Something as epic as ME but perhaps with a greater emphasis on how the story is told (assuming a continuation of the TPS genre) could be fantastic. Or perhaps they'll try a different genre altogether. An RPG from them could be a fun experience.
What say you System Warriors? Am I overthinking this too much? What do you expect ND will do after UC4? Discuss away!
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