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Already a thread on this, but yes I am indeed scared by some of their statement haha. Uncharted 2 had great MP and I fear they might conform to other MP modes that suck IMO.
Primarily single-player developers that try to add in multiplayer usually aren't successful. Sometimes this attempt even takes focus away from the single player. KC_Hokie
But they were succesful...
U2 had some of the funnest and most balanced multiplayer I've seen all gen.
Coop a blast, but thereTOO FEW LEVELS!!!!
Primarily single-player developers that try to add in multiplayer usually aren't successful. Sometimes this attempt even takes focus away from the single player. KC_Hokie
Uncharted 2 already had multiplayer, and on top of that it was still friggin' Uncharted 2.
They've proven capable of handling a MP mode alongside SP. I just hope they don't fix things that aren't broken this time.
The fact that the game is third person would turn alot of people off. I know alot of people who will play third person campaigns but won'ttouch third person multiplayer no matter what.
Unfortunatedly for ND,Call of Duty exists.Arach666Basically this. It isn't going to happen. Quality-wise, I'm sure UC3 will have better MP, but it won't have more people playing. If Bungie can't pull better numbers than CoD as popular as Halo is and as good as Halo MP is, Naughty Dog has no hope of doing so.
I thought they said this a looooooooooong time ago. Oh well.
I think UC2 MP is good enough to be the go to game for PS3 MP, and I doubt UC3 is gonna change the formula ENOUGH to beat COD. Though I love Uncharted MP. So freaking awesome
The fact that the game is third person would turn alot of people off. I know alot of people who will play third person campaigns but won'ttouch third person multiplayer no matter what.
That's because if it isn't done properly, TPS MP can be disasterous. Not saying UC2 MP was a disaster (actually it was pretty awesome), just that some people can be skeptical.
[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]Primarily single-player developers that try to add in multiplayer usually aren't successful. Sometimes this attempt even takes focus away from the single player. Cherokee_Jack
Uncharted 2 already had multiplayer, and on top of that it was still friggin' Uncharted 2.
They've proven capable of handling a MP mode alongside SP. I just hope they don't fix things that aren't broken this time.
What I meant was MP isn't their forte. If they concentrate on MP too much it could affect SP. I've seen it happen.That's the problem with most of the industry today. They just want to mimic other games that appeal to broader demographics instead of doing their own thing just because they're too scared that it won't rake in as much cash. In a way I kind of don't blame them for that fear (especially in this economy), but they kind of don't realize that they could achieve a significant following of their own by being more unique instead of praying for the other game's following to notice the "clone" they created.Make it Call of Duty esque. Hate it all you want but its raking in the players
uncharted 2 had an outstanding multiplayer component, so no doubt uncharted 3 will have one as well. I also hope the graphics transition better in the multiplayer this time around. if guerilla can do it, so can naughty dog :)
I put a lot of hours into Uncharted 2's MP so I'm hoping they can make it even better. The hip fire and melee system really need to be revamped. I used to hate when me and someone else would punch eachother at the same time and both of us would die. So dumb
All for it, Uncharted 2 had some great multiplayer, but hopefully it means the singleplayer won't suffer. would be a shame.BadoshThey handled both last time. Can't wait to see what they do with the 3rd game. you can bet it will be AAA material
I put a lot of hours into Uncharted 2's MP so I'm hoping they can make it even better. The hip fire and melee system really need to be revamped. I used to hate when me and someone else would punch eachother at the same time and both of us would die. So dumb
I guess you'd rather have that damage cancelling system from CoD, where the person lagging most gets the kill?
Screw that. Both people dying is fine, as long as it isn't the result of lag, but rather the result of you both actually killing each other.
Agreed. Just as Gears doesnt overtake Halo or COD, I doubt U3 will in MP. People seem to prefer the FPS in MP to the TPS.Make it Call of Duty esque. Hate it all you want but its raking in the players
Primarily single-player developers that try to add in multiplayer usually aren't successful. Sometimes this attempt even takes focus away from the single player. KC_HokieThis is my worry... Who cares about MP! I don't think anybody plays Uncharted for the MP...
ps3 players are too busy with Call of Duty, thats why BO is the PS3's top selling game. U3 stands no chance. :P
For a game that's noted for its reasonable. well paced SP campaign, why oh why do people care about MP?
It's a goddamn SP focus franchise and SHOULD REMAIN that way!!
MP should simply be a small perk to the package.
It's people like some in here, that help encourage Developers to concentrate on MP rather than SP and honestly, I'm AFRAID ND might lose their grasp in developing the SP campaign for Uncharted series.
In fact I just finished UC2 a few days ago, for the first time, and quite honestly, never touched the MP.
Completely useless post coming from a self titled lemming, unless you can explain your reasoning and at least come up with a legit reason why it's not even good.Sadly as proved by uncharted 2 ND isn't very good at multiplayer its MP was forgetable at best.
do people really doubt how great naughty dog can push themselves and thier games? you guys must have not played crash or jak and daxter to see that they know what they are doing with the games they create.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]Completely useless post coming from a self titled lemming, unless you can explain your reasoning and at least come up with a legit reason why it's not even good. ofcourse its useless posting...its one of the best mp games out there.. and i think its better than gears mp by farSadly as proved by uncharted 2 ND isn't very good at multiplayer its MP was forgetable at best.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"]Completely useless post coming from a self titled lemming, unless you can explain your reasoning and at least come up with a legit reason why it's not even good. I thought it was fun in spurts but equally as annoying, not unforgiving challenge annoying just annoying.Sadly as proved by uncharted 2 ND isn't very good at multiplayer its MP was forgetable at best.
Meh. I hated the fact it could take half a clip or more to the chest to kill someone in UC2 MP. They can add all the bells and whistles they want but if the weapon damage is the same then I won't bother.tomarlynThey did reduce the hitpoints in a patch, and UC3 will reduce them even further if anything. Personally I like not being incredibly fragile and dying every 15 seconds.
I like how people are now turning to call of duty to slight uncharted. Uncharted 2's multiplayer is infinitely more fun than any cod game, to me at least.
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]Meh. I hated the fact it could take half a clip or more to the chest to kill someone in UC2 MP. They can add all the bells and whistles they want but if the weapon damage is the same then I won't bother.Cherokee_JackThey did reduce the hitpoints in a patch, and UC3 will reduce them even further if anything. Personally I like not being incredibly fragile and dying every 15 seconds. B-b-but that's not realistic! :cry: Every game must be realistic, like Call of Duty! You're not allowed to design it any other way! Only crappy developers deviate from TEH REALIZM!!!!!! :o
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