This game is my Halo, Zelda, Mario, MGS, FF all wrapped into one. I've always played it on PS2 and am familiar with the button layout and way the game feels. I'm seriously considering getting it for the 360 and am wondering how it will be on Live. Can you set up seasons in live? Will you be able to on PSN?
I've been playing it since PS1...I love the Dynasty mode, I like this game more than madden even though it is essentially the same thing, I just like it better overall...don't expect to many more ppl to reply, this is not a sports forum, its not a thread that has to do with Halo bashing or praising or how Liar will be AAA...
EDIT* btw I will be getting it on 360, achievements
This game is my Halo, Zelda, Mario, MGS, FF all wrapped into one. I've always played it on PS2 and am familiar with the button layout and way the game feels. I'm seriously considering getting it for the 360 and am wondering how it will be on Live. Can you set up seasons in live? Will you be able to on PSN?ramey70
I'm with you buddi, i look forward to this game more then anything else. If i were you I would get on the 360 becuase this is second year for the game. It's doesn't matter if you know the playstaion buttons, it will be differnt, just like the 360 version.
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