I have no idea what the **** is going on.
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That looks... Awesome!
Or it could just be one of those "Sony trailers" where they tease something by putting together a teaser that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject matter.
Can't wait for Bioware to start their usual campaign about homosexuality because its so damn "important to our game". Also, shit trailer, no idea wtf is this, looks like another movie episode of Quantum Break. Hopefully Season 1 is available on DVD with Quantum Break.
There is something that I always find curious when people mention Jade Empire... it has some of the streamlining that for some people would make games like Mass Effect 2 not RPGs. If the first ME1 had learned a few lessons from that game it could have been much better.
It's certainly a good game, I'm actually replaying it right now.
Wait what?
SJWs = Social Justice Warriors, i.e. people who fight for their causes by making blogs and e-petitions, and being assholes to people who don't agree with them.
Can't wait for Bioware to start their usual campaign about homosexuality because its so damn "important to our game". Also, shit trailer, no idea wtf is this, looks like another movie episode of Quantum Break. Hopefully Season 1 is available on DVD with Quantum Break.
Bioware is annoying with that crap. I'm not against homosexuality, but don't shoehorn it into your damn games just to say you are diverse. **** their romance system too. I played Mass Effect and just tried to be as nice as possible to everybody, but that almost made my Shepard accidentally gay. But if I didn't keep talking to Steve, he'd apparently die.
You know what would be awesome....if they actually did this new thing called having gameplay from the actual game in teasers and trailers.
You know what would be awesome....if they actually did this new thing called having gameplay from the actual game in teasers and trailers.
Given the Narrative Mode in Mass Effect 3, it's not surprising Bioware is moving along this course. :P
Can't wait for Bioware to start their usual campaign about homosexuality because its so damn "important to our game".
When was the last time they actually did this. Last I checked, it was mostly journalists and bloggers making the big to-do while Bioware themselves said fairly little.
Wait, it's live action? I swear it looked like CGI, the movement was too smooth and artificial!
Can't wait for Bioware to start their usual campaign about homosexuality because its so damn "important to our game".
When was the last time they actually did this. Last I checked, it was mostly journalists and bloggers making the big to-do while Bioware themselves said fairly little.
Just before the delay of DA3 they were bragging about having the option to f*ck everyone in your party lol. You even have a homosexual team member cuz that's soooooooo damn important for an rpg these days. No wonder Casey Hudson left, Bioware is going full retard. Instead of thinking about new gameplay mechanics, new impressive next generation engines for open world games (what CDPR is doing instead of Bioware), atmosphere and story *cough* you know? for what they're known for... they talk and brag about a homosexual teamate. Da fuk iz dis? Who does that? Why is this even a subject? I don't spend $80 (69.99 in canada with boatload of taxes) to have a gay team member and have the option to bone him on a table or something haha.
Wait what?
SJWs = Social Justice Warriors, i.e. people who fight for their causes by making blogs and e-petitions, and being assholes to people who don't agree with them.
Being a SJW doesn't actually mean you have to be an asshole. In fact there are plenty of capable writers, critics, bloggers who argue for equality in enteratinment tastefully and wear that SJW badge proudly. It's just there are assholes being assholes. The fact that you generalized an entire group of people arguing for an actual worthy cause as assholes, makes you no better than them. Way to go sport.
@silversix_: "Just before the delay of DA3 they were bragging about having the option to f*ck everyone in your party lol."
I don't remember this happening and it isn't relevant.
"You even have a homosexual team member cuz that's soooooooo damn important for an rpg these days."
If you're going to have romance options in a roleplaying game, yeah, it kind of is. Explain how this is a problem.
"Instead of thinking about new gameplay mechanics, new impressive next generation engines for open world games, atmosphere and story, they talk and brag about a homosexual teamate."
Explain how including homosexual characters detracts in any way from those other aspects (it doesn't). Also, you still haven't explained how they've bragged about this.
"Why is this even a subject?"
Because there are homosexuals in the world that play video games.
"I don't spend $80 to have a gay team member and have the option to bone him on a table or something haha."
Then don't do it since it's completely optional. Just like in real life.
You never answered my question and pretty much confirmed that the only reason you have a problem with any of this is because you're an enormous homophobe.
@silversix_: because you're an enormous homophobe.
this is exactly what i was expecting from some1 when mentioning the stupidity Bioware includes in their games as of late. You cannot say 'gtfo with useless additions such as a gay companion' without being called as an homophobe on a gaming forum, its impossible. And you talk about options and then relate it to real life lol as if you were choosing to be gay... Talking about homosexuality on gaming forum is more of a waste of time than sleeping 18h a day.
@silversix_: "You cannot say 'gtfo with useless additions such as a gay companion' without being called as an homophobe on a gaming forum, its impossible."
No, you really can't, given that you're specifically complaining about the inclusion of gay characters. Were you not homophobic this wouldn't be an issue for you.
"And you talk about options and then relate it to real life lol as if you were choosing to be gay..."
You have the option to have sex with a man regardless whether or not you're gay. Your comment about not paying $80 to have sex with a man doesn't make any sense since that's a small, optional aspect of the game that has zeroo affect on you should you choose not to partake in it.
"Talking about homosexuality on gaming forum is more of a waste of time than sleeping 18h a day."
You people sure like to bitch about it though.
Also, you still haven't answered any of my questions.
@silversix_: "You cannot say 'gtfo with useless additions such as a gay companion' without being called as an homophobe on a gaming forum, its impossible."
No, you really can't, given that you're specifically complaining about the inclusion of gay characters. Were you not homophobic this wouldn't be an issue for you.
"And you talk about options and then relate it to real life lol as if you were choosing to be gay..."
You have the option to have sex with a man regardless whether or not you're gay. Your comment about not paying $80 to have sex with a man doesn't make any sense since that's a small, optional aspect of the game that has zeroo affect on you should you choose not to partake in it.
"Talking about homosexuality on gaming forum is more of a waste of time than sleeping 18h a day."
You people sure like to bitch about it though.
Also, you still haven't answered any of my questions.
what is your question? I buy games for entertainment, having a gay team member isn't gonna magically improve the experience because he's 'different'. I want them to spend time, money and resources into something meaningful instead creating a gay member with emotions n all of that crap then brag about how we (bioware) are soooooo amazing because we, a company that specializes into rpg's have a homosexual person, we're so deeply involved with our game(s) that we include gay sex cuz its soooooooo 2014, also cuz why not right? Why not? Because i don't spend money on entertainment such as gaming to have the option. I don't care if you have to do it for main story or you can ignore it completely, its a waste of resources and money. Don't care about having sex in games either, am i into animals now? Cuz calling some1 a humongus homophobe because he doesn't give a flying shit about something as useless in a video game must be what you think when i say that sex isn't needed/wanted in rpg's.
@silversix_: "You cannot say 'gtfo with useless additions such as a gay companion' without being called as an homophobe on a gaming forum, its impossible."
No, you really can't, given that you're specifically complaining about the inclusion of gay characters. Were you not homophobic this wouldn't be an issue for you.
"And you talk about options and then relate it to real life lol as if you were choosing to be gay..."
You have the option to have sex with a man regardless whether or not you're gay. Your comment about not paying $80 to have sex with a man doesn't make any sense since that's a small, optional aspect of the game that has zeroo affect on you should you choose not to partake in it.
"Talking about homosexuality on gaming forum is more of a waste of time than sleeping 18h a day."
You people sure like to bitch about it though.
Also, you still haven't answered any of my questions.
what is your question? I buy games for entertainment, having a gay team member isn't gonna magically improve the experience because he's 'different'. I want them to spend time, money and resources into something meaningful instead creating a gay member with emotions n all of that crap then brag about how we (bioware) are soooooo amazing because we, a company that specializes into rpg's have a homosexual person, we're so deeply involved with our game(s) that we include gay sex cuz its soooooooo 2014, also cuz why not right? Why not? Because i don't spend money on entertainment such as gaming to have the option. I don't care if you have to do it for main story or you can ignore it completely, its a waste of resources and money. Don't care about having sex in games either, am i into animals now? Cuz calling some1 a humongus homophobe because he doesn't give a flying shit about something as useless in a video game must be what you think when i say that sex isn't needed/wanted in rpg's.
Why do you care if your character is gay or straight?
You're clearly a homophobe because you're focusing all your attention on gays when they also have straight people in the game.
@silversix_: "You cannot say 'gtfo with useless additions such as a gay companion' without being called as an homophobe on a gaming forum, its impossible."
No, you really can't, given that you're specifically complaining about the inclusion of gay characters. Were you not homophobic this wouldn't be an issue for you.
"And you talk about options and then relate it to real life lol as if you were choosing to be gay..."
You have the option to have sex with a man regardless whether or not you're gay. Your comment about not paying $80 to have sex with a man doesn't make any sense since that's a small, optional aspect of the game that has zeroo affect on you should you choose not to partake in it.
"Talking about homosexuality on gaming forum is more of a waste of time than sleeping 18h a day."
You people sure like to bitch about it though.
Also, you still haven't answered any of my questions.
what is your question? I buy games for entertainment, having a gay team member isn't gonna magically improve the experience because he's 'different'. I want them to spend time, money and resources into something meaningful instead creating a gay member with emotions n all of that crap then brag about how we (bioware) are soooooo amazing because we, a company that specializes into rpg's have a homosexual person, we're so deeply involved with our game(s) that we include gay sex cuz its soooooooo 2014, also cuz why not right? Why not? Because i don't spend money on entertainment such as gaming to have the option. I don't care if you have to do it for main story or you can ignore it completely, its a waste of resources and money. Don't care about having sex in games either, am i into animals now? Cuz calling some1 a humongus homophobe because he doesn't give a flying shit about something as useless in a video game must be what you think when i say that sex isn't needed/wanted in rpg's.
Why do you care if your character is gay or straight?
You're clearly a homophobe because you're focusing all your attention on gays when they also have straight people in the game.
Because Bioware makes of it a big deal and since like what? DA2 or ME2 every single time their new games comes out they spam about it as it was a revolutionary thing never seen by a human eye. Does anyone brag about a straight team member you can have in a squad? No, no one cares. Why is a gay one gets all the attention as it was Half Life 3? No one should care and articles shouldn't be talking about it because its not important.
@silversix_: "You cannot say 'gtfo with useless additions such as a gay companion' without being called as an homophobe on a gaming forum, its impossible."
No, you really can't, given that you're specifically complaining about the inclusion of gay characters. Were you not homophobic this wouldn't be an issue for you.
"And you talk about options and then relate it to real life lol as if you were choosing to be gay..."
You have the option to have sex with a man regardless whether or not you're gay. Your comment about not paying $80 to have sex with a man doesn't make any sense since that's a small, optional aspect of the game that has zeroo affect on you should you choose not to partake in it.
"Talking about homosexuality on gaming forum is more of a waste of time than sleeping 18h a day."
You people sure like to bitch about it though.
Also, you still haven't answered any of my questions.
what is your question? I buy games for entertainment, having a gay team member isn't gonna magically improve the experience because he's 'different'. I want them to spend time, money and resources into something meaningful instead creating a gay member with emotions n all of that crap then brag about how we (bioware) are soooooo amazing because we, a company that specializes into rpg's have a homosexual person, we're so deeply involved with our game(s) that we include gay sex cuz its soooooooo 2014, also cuz why not right? Why not? Because i don't spend money on entertainment such as gaming to have the option. I don't care if you have to do it for main story or you can ignore it completely, its a waste of resources and money. Don't care about having sex in games either, am i into animals now? Cuz calling some1 a humongus homophobe because he doesn't give a flying shit about something as useless in a video game must be what you think when i say that sex isn't needed/wanted in rpg's.
Why do you care if your character is gay or straight?
You're clearly a homophobe because you're focusing all your attention on gays when they also have straight people in the game.
Because Bioware makes of it a big deal and since like what? DA2 or ME2 every single time their new games comes out they spam about it as it was a revolutionary thing never seen by a human eye. Does anyone brag about a straight team member you can have in a squad? No, no one cares. Why is a gay one gets all the attention as it was Half Life 3? No one should care and articles shouldn't be talking about it because its not important.
And why does that bother you? What they say about the game has no effect on the game itself. Just ignore the hype.
It is quite important. Wasn't that long ago that you wouldn't be allowed to have a mixed race couple in a film. We are gradually getting to a point where this stuff is common. I think that more equality is something that should be celebrated. When people like ou stop complaining about it and just accept it, there will be no need to make a big deal about it.
Is this going to be a FMV game? Because if it isn't, then they shouldn't be using fucking live actors to tease the game.
I was glad to see after the video finished that Casey Hudson has left BioWare though (in the "related" redirect).
Still waiting, everything else is meh.
I'm gonna replay that. :P
Kitty has good taste in games. :P
What system are you going to play it on?
:P I'm sure you have better.
Wish I had it on pc, but xbox I'm afraid.
@silversix_: "what is your question?"
When was the last time Bioware actually made a big to-do about having homosexuals in their game. And explain how having homosexuals in the game is a problem in any way.
"having a gay team member isn't gonna magically improve the experience"
It isn't going to magically detract from the experience either. It will however improve the experience for those who want it there.
"I want them to spend time, money and resources into something meaningful instead creating a gay member"
I don't understand why you think creating a gay character somehow takes away from any of those things.
"then brag about"
You've never explained how they've ever bragged about this.
"how we (bioware) are soooooo amazing because we, a company that specializes into rpg's have a homosexual person, we're so deeply involved with our game(s) that we include gay sex cuz its soooooooo 2014"
Making fun of something doesn't really work if you go on to state positive aspects.
"Because i don't spend money on entertainment such as gaming to have the option. I don't care if you have to do it for main story or you can ignore it completely, its a waste of resources and money."
Then why aren't you complaining about the fact that heterosexual characters are included as well.
"Cuz calling some1 a humongus homophobe because he doesn't give a flying shit about something"
If you didn't care about this you wouldn't be complaining about it in the first place.
@silversix_: I heard Barney Calhoun is gonna take Gordon Freeman to a gay bar in Half-Life 3, your thoughts?
@Pffrbt: Good post there. Pretty comprehensive.
Having gay characters is in no way intrusive. They exist in the real world, and in Bioware's case, they are mostly only homosexual if you want them to be, which is the case for some gamers. So if you don't like it you don't have to choose it. But there are a few relationships in the game like with Steve Cortez in ME3 where he is talking about his husband. And? Bioware shouldn't bother with people who are uncomfortable with that. It's 2014. If you're uncomfortable with gays that's your problem. It's not like they have ever forced anyone to watch gay pornography, so grow up.
@silversix_: I heard Barney Calhoun is gonna take Gordon Freeman to a gay bar in Half-Life 3, your thoughts?
@silversix_: "what is your question?"
When was the last time Bioware actually made a big to-do about having homosexuals in their game. And explain how having homosexuals in the game is a problem in any way.
"having a gay team member isn't gonna magically improve the experience"
It isn't going to magically detract from the experience either. It will however improve the experience for those who want it there.
"I want them to spend time, money and resources into something meaningful instead creating a gay member"
I don't understand why you think creating a gay character somehow takes away from any of those things.
"then brag about"
You've never explained how they've ever bragged about this.
"how we (bioware) are soooooo amazing because we, a company that specializes into rpg's have a homosexual person, we're so deeply involved with our game(s) that we include gay sex cuz its soooooooo 2014"
Making fun of something doesn't really work if you go on to state positive aspects.
"Because i don't spend money on entertainment such as gaming to have the option. I don't care if you have to do it for main story or you can ignore it completely, its a waste of resources and money."
Then why aren't you complaining about the fact that heterosexual characters are included as well.
"Cuz calling some1 a humongus homophobe because he doesn't give a flying shit about something"
If you didn't care about this you wouldn't be complaining about it in the first place.
lol at the gay mafia up in arms . Relax you are still going to be able to have same sex with pretty much everyone in DA3. And God forbid he has a different opinion then you about not having every male companion hitting on him.
I think Bioware is getting ridiculous with the romances and percentage of the fanbase is even more ridiculous. No wonder in recent years the 3 top people at Bioware left.
@CanYouDiglt: Someone comes into a thread and, apropos of absolutely nothing, starts bitching about the darn gays encroaching on his vidya gaemz. Other people call him out on it, and he gets petulant and whiny. Obviously the people in this situation who are at fault are the "gay mafia."
Wait what?
SJWs = Social Justice Warriors, i.e. people who fight for their causes by making blogs and e-petitions, and being assholes to people who don't agree with them.
Being a SJW doesn't actually mean you have to be an asshole. In fact there are plenty of capable writers, critics, bloggers who argue for equality in enteratinment tastefully and wear that SJW badge proudly. It's just there are assholes being assholes. The fact that you generalized an entire group of people arguing for an actual worthy cause as assholes, makes you no better than them. Way to go sport.
Except there's a difference from simply blogging about being a Social Justice Blogger and a "Warrior." That asshole criteria is what separates the two.
A for effort though.
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