I once had this idea, just for fun, based on the X-Men.
360 gamers: Wolverines - even when taking damage, just keeps on healing (free repairs) and is back in the fray.
PS3 gamers: Forges - his technological powers is like PS3's full compliment multimedia features.
Wii gamers: Jean Greys - the wii-mote's duplication of human action is like her telekinesis.
PC gamers: Mystiques - being able to configure the internal components which modifies the abilities of their machine, as well as customizing the outward appearance (cases) is like her shapeshifting ability.
Multiplatform gamers: Rogues - playing with different machines gives them access to enjoy the best features of each, much like how she absorbs the abilities of others.
Portable gamers: Nightcrawlers - his teleportation is like the ability to game anywhere
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