I have to admit the screens do look great but in motion it looks even better, having watched the new HD gameplay vid I have to say that this game is definitely a fantastic hack-and-slash game, just the kind of games I enjoy. If this game came out this year I would have definitely got myself a 360, too bad. This game in my opinion is the stand out game for 360 next year but unfortunately it's going to be over-shadowed by MGS4, FF13, GT5, LBP, Tekken 6.
only ps3 owners would care about MGS4, FF13, GT5, LBP, Tekken 6, .NG will probably outsell them all due to MS publishing it, andxbox 360 install base.NG on the xbox was a great game but unfortunaely this didn't equate to huge sales, I believe NG sold just below a million on a console which at that time had an installed base of 15 million. games on the 360 which are not shooters don't exactly sell as wel as the shooters on the 360.
p.s. You look me in the eye and say your not excited about the release of MGS4 ?!
NGII will outsell the original pretty quickly. The first game was original and over the last 3 years it has built a huge fanbase on the xbox platform.
:| you honestly think NG's fanbase is as big as FF, or even gran turismo?
NGII probably won't even sell over 1 million in a year
GTAIV,UT3, Gears 2, Alan WAke, Fable 2, Halo Wars, Fallout 3, Splinter Cell V.
NG series is for the hardcore, since itagaki said there not letting up on the difficulty.
where in his post did he say it had a big fanbase like FF or GT? :?
why not just read the chain of posts?
oh my mistake..i had no idea somebody would say something that stupid.
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