Read up on the New Prince of Persia game and you'll be impressed. Article
Its built upon the assassin's creed engine. You can bet on amazing graphics, fluid movement, great animation.
One on One combat. This game is combat focused and so the enemies you encounter will have unique fighting capabilities. Enemies will challenge you, none of banality of killing a thousand generic enemies GOW gameplay. Every single fight feels like a boss battle.
'To encourage gamers to use all four buttons, each enemy you face can assume three corruption states. The states offer a colored tint to the corruption surrounding the enemy along with a distinct look. Each state has a specific weakness -- a sword attack, gauntlet strike, or Elika's magic. At first, it's pretty easy to counter the states, but as the Hunter becomes more powerful, he'll quickly change states while you're in the middle of an attack string. If you don't recognize the state immediately, you could be in for some trouble.' IGN
Looks to me that Prince of Persia will feature very advance combat that will keep even hardcore NGII fans pleased. A deep combat system is always a plus in an action game, Prince of Persia is really trying to innovate this aspect.
Single player has a co-op feel, Elika is the archetype sidekick, hot chick you want by yourside when facing foes. She helps you tackle foes and enable you to unleash aerial combos and advance finishers.
RPG elements to a action game. Both the Prince and Elika are upgradable. How you upgrade these characters will change story progression.
Multiple campaign path, shows complex story design, add more suprise and dynamics to gameplay.
'So while there is the somewhat typical game convention of limiting your access to certain areas, you still have the choice of which you play first. And the choices you make do matter. Each boss will release a different corruption trap into the world that will remain for the rest of play. These releases are tied to specific levels. You could avoid these levels until near the end of the game, making the acrobatic elements fairly easy, or tackle them early to add acrobatic challenge. The same level you clear at the start of the game will be quite a different experience for a friend who saves it until the end, after all of the corruption has infested the area.' IGN
Beautiful Artistic World and Animation
I think this game has huge potential to be the best action game to date. I am very hyped for this game mainly because it seems to offers a different experience from GOW and other past games of the genre. This is not to say that past games of this sort were bad at all. GOW offered one of the best carnage action game of its days.
But I do think that taking the genre into a new direction could warrent POP into a blockbuster. Because its innovative in including co-op elements, grand in concept and artistry, its adding to just having the carnage experience. Because of the in depth combat system, it will attract both casual and hardcore crowds and offer more chances to be creative with fighting ****, a good point taken from Devil may Cry 4.
We wont see how gameplay will actually turn out. But from the looks of the video, and everything we've been reading about PoP, there is a reason to be hyped for this game.
The last point is that God War III should definately learn from this game if it wishes to be the next blockbuster for PS3. We've yet to see anything from GOW III and fanboys been repping it as the next great game already. If people are willing to talk about a game without any footage, then we can definately speculate about how PoP will turn out.
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