The PS3 should have been $200 like last year. But with that being said I understand Sony's logic behind their new sku.
Keeping the price of the PS3 near the WiiU Sonys intention is to highlight the fact that the WiiU is a current gen console. And make no mistake the WiiU graphically speaking is indeed a current gen console. Look at previous gens graphical jumps:
to PS3
See, the WiiU might be a hot seller this holiday but it won't go much further than that. A few tech geeks might note that the WiiU has more ram than the PS3 or whatever but when the average gamer brings home that WiiU and plays that year old port of Mass effect 3 or Arkham city that runs in the same resolution and looks pretty much the same as it did on PS3 and 360 last year they're gonna start to wonder what they just spent $350 on. It will be years before the WiiU has a game that will be graphically as impressive as Killzone 3 or Uncharted 3 and more likely than not will never have a game which truly eclipses them visually.
I agree with those who belive that Sony is not in any position to release a PS4. the question is why should they? The Genesis was 3 years older than the SNES, could display 1/5 the ammount of colors on screen had a vastly inferior sound processor but at the end of the day Genesis competed very well with the SNES because truth be told they were both 16 bit systems. They both had the Street Fighters, the NBA Jams, the Maddens. The Xbox and Gamecube were more powerful than PS2 but again it didn't matter they were not a "gen" ahead and most of the big name games wound up on all 3 systems anyway.
Keeping PS3's price in line with the WiiU Sony will indeed be concede the 2012 holiday season but will set the up the PS3 to compete with the the WiiU for years to come. Sony is not worried about letting the WiiU have a headstart on the PS4. From their Perspective, and the perspective they want to convey is that it's not the WiiU that has a headstart on the PS4, it's the PS3 that has a 60 million headstart on the WiiU. That the Wii U and the PS3 are in fact of the same generation. As far as hardware goes that's more or less the truth.
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