omg yeah! when my little brother comes in pushing that little push toy with the dome that the balls pop around in i jump up and go OMG! LOL NOOB! EVERY TOY FROM NOW ON WILL BE MADE BY FISHER PRICE AND HAVE A DOME WITH POPPING BALLS!!!
lol, seriously, what do you tools have against kids getting sucked into the gaming hobby with things they are able to play?
do you not realize that inaccessible hobby's that do not attract new members disappear?
can you actually be that stupid?
It's not that he is that stupid, it is because he is Renegade and he is that hypocritical.
If I cared enough I could find a post of his in a thread going back to 2007 that was about the 360 being too hardcore and that it could never succeed and become a major sales success because it could not attract a broad enough audience.
Indeed, that was a common cow point of view early in the generation. In threads with topics like: Viva Pinata alone cannot attract a broader user base.
It is absolutely hilarious to see cows nowadays, especially the ones from early in the generation, bashing the 360 for doing what they said it could never do which is broaden its base.
Meanwhile, I am not going to let my young daughter play military shooters for f&$ks sake. There are so many self involved young males on this board that have yet to learn that the world does not revolve just around them. It is both funny and sad.
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