If I cared about HD movies I might agree with them.
As it stands, I am still annoyed with Sony for caring more about their format war than gaming. Despite 2008 often being labeled as "The year of the PS3" I still find more than enough games coming to 360 that I cannot justify buying a PS3.
Not that its a bad system, but for gamers like me Sony basically screwed themselves with the initial price tag. I'm plenty satisfied with my 360 as a gaming platform... well at least until I get the RRoD, then we'll see how I really feel...
Well, I have to say, I disagree with the statement that Sony "cares more about their format war than about gaming." They care for both. Blu-ray and the PS3 have a symbiotic relationship--that was the plan from the outset, and judging by Blu-ray's victory and recent PS3 sales, that plan is being realized (albeit much later than Sony wanted).
Sony cares about the same thing that Microsoft or Nintendo care about. Profit. It's not about "caring more" for games or "caring less." It's whether games are going to be a vehicle to bring Sony profit, and in that sense, Sony is not impartial towards movies or games.
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