New ZELDA trailer is out! Not here though. - SYSTEM WARS: THE MAGAZINE Feb 2011

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#1 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26213 Posts


February 2011 - Issue 33

Hello Gamespot!

This is Willy105 reporting LIVE from System Wars as Cows try to damage control the launch of the Nintendo 3DS. Usual attacks of "3D is a fad", "the launch games suck", and "there are too many ports" fail when people think they are talking about the PS3 and PSP.

Also, Iron Shop '11 is heating up, as LegendofNerd, Stevo, Jynxzor and AdobeArtist are completely murdering me in the contest. I have absolutely no chance of winning.Or do I?

We have a new format for System Wars The Magazine today, it will be published Bi-Weekly in small, more up to date bursts! You will no longer have to wait a month for what you knew about two months ago!

We have plenty of cool stuff this issue that we hope you will enjoy, from various articles and reviews, including a new feature we hope will stay a mainstay of the magazine, and will introduce a measurable way of deciding which console is the best.

For you Inception fans, you are correct! This is a game magazine inside a game magazine! WARS....uh...THE MAGAZINE!!!!


789Shadow: We are live outside of Ask the Mods, where reigning SW King jg4xchamp (what the hell does that name mean anyway?) has been banned!

Willy105: Jg4xchamp entered office on October 13, 2010 after being elected to be King by System Wars users. His blog also won Best Blog for the third consecutive year.

King Champ was known for his very provocative posts, mixing various insults, trolls, and major ownage hidden deep inside a seemingly civil sentence.

Although details are slim at the moment, Lafigueroa, leader of the resident Gamespot mafia GUFU, claims that Jg4xchamp was banned due to drawing attention to his moderation history, after a comment he made on calling the main character of Bayonetta a very inappropriate word, which caused a user to show his post to the moderators.

Various users held vigil Saturday night on the Off-Topic boards.

Although System Wars is currently under a Continuity of Government plan, it is expected that SolidTy, the runner up for the King award, will inherit the throne. However, a Gamespot user says "Champ is still the King, he will reign [from the grave]"


Willy105: A bunch of hackers, including Geohot, have jailbreaked the PS3, distributing the valuable unlock keys to the internet at large, allowing for homebrewed programs and games to be played. Of course, Sony took offense to this, and vowed to get revenge. Real revenge, as in tracking down the guys who did it and suing them to kingdom come.



I remember the explosive launch of the 360 (I'm not talking about console failures here...), it was everywhere - marketed as the next step in gaming, allowing HD resolutions and exciting new IP's and experiences which were combined with the now irrelevant phrase of 'Next-Gen'.

When it launched in November 2005, I was a mere fourteen years of age, pestering my parents at every opportunity to supply me with what would be the envy of my peers. Eventually agreeing that they'd help me purchase one (after waiting for the supply issues to even out), and I was finally ready to experience this new tech. I knew MS had it in the bag, they introduced me to now familiar franchises, more adult orientated games and competitive online gaming.

I have spent countless hours since, playing such franchises as Forza, Halo, Gears, Fable and other massive titles and I loved the support that MS was giving me - the video game crazed teenager, with exclusives here and big announcements there. The 360 had exceeded any potential I was expecting. This was gaming. Then along came Kinect.

Please don't think I'm ignorant to other people's idea of fun. I welcome the rise of more gamers with open arms, knowing that they will experience the same amount of fun from their new hobby, that I have for most of my life.

But Microsoft's decision to focus solely on Kinect has got me worried. I love gaming, and I'm all for evolution in this industry - many people wrote off the Wii and that's now seen as a massive success, but (this is going to sound selfish) what about me?

What about the guy who doesn't want to buy a £100+ peripheral? Am I stuffed?

From a first party perspective, I just may.

After the disappointing show of MS at the last few major conferences, I honestly don't know what to expect. As much as I'm hyping Gears of War 3, Forza and future Halo games I want more. I've now obtained a PS3 (I want to own as many systems as possible) and seeing Sony's determined approach to providing gamers of all play-styIes with bucketloads of support has made me feel like MS is turning it's back on me.

Sony have proven that they can support both established gamers, and those who may be entering the fray for the first time/have no interest in a regularly controlled game. Even Nintendo mix up their fanbase with strong support for games across various genres.

MS is a massive corporation, and I believe that if they put as much emphasis into supporting their broad demographicas they have with promoting Kinect, they'd arguably dominate the industry for many types of gamer - but this far into the generation, I doubt it.

Prove me wrong MS, show gamers EVERYWHERE some love.



Before I get into the meat of the subject as what makes a game "scary" I would like to clear the air to those who say "I've never played a scary game".

How many times have you played a game that has been labelled as "scary" only to walk away with our shoulders shrugged and releasing a heavy "Meh" to the opposing party that introduced us to the concept of a game that could "Scare" you,or did youfind the experience exhilarating and say you actually had a few good spooks and it's something that will stick with you for a while? Does the former mean that the game wasn't actually scary? Sometimes that may be the case, but sometimes fault may be in your own perception of being "scared"

Psychologically you may perceive the notice of being scared as a challenge you then brace yourself for the experience and in doingso you shut yourself off from allowing yourself from being scared in a big way. Sure you may still be startled by the "Jump scares" but you will rarely walk away saying that something really scared you. Take the Silent Hill series for example, it's widely acclaimed as being a staple of the survival horror genre relies mainly on the atmosphere and solitude of its setting to get the job done. If you are prepared for this experience and brace yourself for something disturbing the sensation will be dulled and pointless, so I suggest something to someone who has "never been scared by a game" try and let yourself be scared open yourself up to the experience!

Now on to the big picture.The hard thing about making a game scary is the fact that being scared when you are in your house on your couch you feel relatively safe. Thankfully the interactivity of games goes a long way into pulling the user into the experience. Many things contribute to the experience lets go over the general aspects of a Horror game.


Most games that fall under the tag "Survival Horror" such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill are played through a third person perspective, mainly due to the developers wanting to show more of the environment and more of what is going on around your character. Other games such as many in the Penumbra series or Fatal Frame are in the first person perspective, due to the developers wanting to constrain your vision making you always wary of what's not only infront of you, but what could be behind you without your knowledge. Personally I find the third person view is better for more ambient adventure games like Resident Evil and Silent hill as they give you more mental information to work with, and the first person view is better suited for jump scares and action oriented games "I would consider over the shoulder views in the same light as your vision is still constrained in a similar fashion, Deadspace and Resident evil 4-5 are good examples of over the shoulder horror games." Due to the limited peripheral vision, but gaining extended depth of vision.


There is no mistake that almost all horror games take place at night or in the dark and feature many confined spaces. All of these scenarios are on most people's checklist of: Things that creep me out. The difference between a haunted city and a deralect spaceship may seem similar in concept but both play on two totally different fears. There again 2 schools of thought on the general setting of a game the familiar, and the unfamiliar. When playing with a familiar setting it's usually a play on the concept that we as humans are uncomfortable with change especially when it's unexplained...Imagine you sit on your couch then go to the kitchen to grab a soda, when you return your couch is on the other side of the room, no one knows why or how it's just there. Creepy right? Silent Hill: The Room is a good example of using a familiar setting changing slowly to set up a extremely atmospheric scare, whether it be a ominous shadow in your closet or bloody footprints near the door such subtle changes are so noticeable in a familiar setting than say...the Dark world featured in the rest of the Silent Hill series that plays on the unknown. When playing with the unknown we play on a humans fear of something he knows very little about, it's the reason we find death itself so scary is the fact we know nothing about what happens to us when we die. A good example of a game that plays on the unknown would be Deadspace let's see how many "Unknown" areas it touches upon.






There are many more subtle areas it touches on such as religious beliefs and such, but let's focus on the big ones. You are trapped on a ship in space where everyone is dead, and bloody graffiti and audio logs are strewn across the ship because everyone went insane. To top it off, blood thirsty aliens want your corpse to make more blood thirsty aliens in a savage "Circle of life" kind of way. Scary no? more subtle things can get to you like the familiarity of the aliens that were unmistakeably at one time humans just like you, that's where the most powerful scares can come from is the familiar becoming the unfamiliar.


This can mean anything from the length of the game to how often you actually encounter foes, or even how many you encounter at once, or even where you find them. One zombie in a open field might not be scary a single, slow, shuffling, dumb, single minded being...but what about 100 zombies on the other side of a room with the only exit is to go through the bloody mob.

Other times you may only actually encounter a fiend once or twice in a blue moon, but when it does appear it's never a pleasing experience. The ghosts in Silent Hill: The room" are one such nemesis, not only are they reminders of your character almost inevitable can't kill them, your only option is to run "minus the few instances you can pin them down"


For the most part, the only people you meet in a good Survival Horror game just want to tear your face off, or are doomed to die in your place ala redshirt. Having a companion does nothing but create a person or object to confide your fear to, "I'm not the only one seeing this right? I'm not totally crazy right?" they present someone to help rationalize the situation for you. I am personally against ever having a companion with you in a Survival Horror game, unless it's a multiplayer game of course. Being alone heightens the scares because you know there is no one else to rely on to save you, there will be no heroes coming to the rescue...your it.

So looking at these general themes one can easily define a horror themed game, but there is one more thing that sets "Survival Horror" apart from horror.


To be a true survival game, you need to actually be fighting desperately for your survival. Enemies don't drop ammo are cash to upgrade your arsenal of weapons, hell chances may be you don't even have a weapon. When weapons are present they usually are not the only solution available to you, chances are you can bypass dangers by running around them or better yet blocking their advance towards you! Here is my take on games that fall under each category.

Survival Horror

-Resident Evil 1-code veronica

-Silent Hill

-Fatal frame


Action Horror

Resident Evil 4

Deadspace 1-2

Some games may claim to be horror titles such as Resident Evil: 5 or other action oriented games, but they fall flat due to lacking the proper pacing and challenge that should be present.

So for the finale, an answer to the question of how to make a amazing Survival Horror game? The best horror games will always combine the familiar with the unknown in strange ways to bring out the best scares. Deadspace 2 while not a "Survival game" does a great job combining such familiar topics as religion, hostile alien life forms, life after death, and even a subtle hint of the results of humanities overconsumption...blending that with a great atmosphere and intriguing story "best part of the story is listening to people loose in audio and text logs while their world crumbles apart around them" along with the brutal knowledge that the Necromorphs were only moments ago humans just like you. So what would you think is the perfect survival horror game? I have presented you with all the tools you need, now all you need to do is add your worst fears and imagination...and stir, serve chilled with a side of death.

EDIT: Stickied for thread's awesomeness. (Is that even a word?)

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#2 Willy105
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Vanquish is gaming proof that the old adage "speed kills" holds strong. Vanquish is a third-person cover-based shooter that relies on speed and styIe to entertain its players. In an instant the battlefield in Vanquish can be choatic, messy, and over flowing with massive robots just itching to put you six feet under. It'll be a unique combination of gunfire, super speed, and the ability to go into slow motion that help you topple these mechanical beasts and complete your objectives. While it's monotone nature holds the gameplay experience from true excellence; it's high speed action makes it a refreshing experience in a genre filled with far too many doppelgangers.

Vanquish kicks off with a futuristic revival of the cold war. Russia invades an orbital space station that is armed with a highly destructive death ray, and uses it to obliterate the city of San Francisco. At the center of this conflict is Sam Gideon an agent of DARPA fitted with a new piece of super soldier armor. A wise cracking, one liner spewing, cigarette smoking badass going out to serve his country. The story essentially covers every action movie cliche you could possible come up with in a 5 Act span, and has the cheesy dialogue to go along with it. Though the game gives you enough reasons to believe it doesn't take itself seriously it does run a fine line with the melodrama that just comes off cringe worthy. The story also never really wraps up all the loose ends and sets up for an innevitable sequel.

What the story does do well is tie in all the action together to give you some context, and provide an excuse to kick some serious ass. The real star of the game is not Sam Gideon, but the armor he's wearing. Like most cover shooters you'll be advancing forward fighting hordes of enemies while hiding behind cover to avoid failure. The kicker here is Sam's suit is also equiped with boosters on the knees to help him move across the field at a faster pace. Sliding across from cover to cover, dodging gunfire and explosions, or closing the gap between you and your enemies to dish out the damage up close and personal. The other advantage to Sam's armor is his AR mode which is his abilitity to slow down time around him. Both mechanics as well as powerful melee attacks are linked to a heat guage. If it overheats you become incapable of using either of the three abilities and need to wait for the suit to cooldown. Using these three in unision can have exciting results where you can boost towards enemies, go for a dropkick, and while in mid air go into AR mode and gundown the other enemies before you even hit the ground. There are also weapon upgrades on the field which the player picks up to improve their arsenal on the fly. Using these combination of abilities changes the general ebb and flow of Vanquish compared to other modern action games.

To avoid being a cake walk the game is constantly moving forward at a relentless pace. Choatic battlefield conditions are meant to force the player to stay on the move instead of holding their grownd behind cover for extended periods of time. Standard enemies will try to flank while others will be fitted with jet packs to take you down from the air. Other foes may be massive and have the ability to destroy whatever cover you take refuge behind. Russia's vast array of enemy robots also has armored vehicles equiped with enough firepower to put you down quickly. This all compliments a nice selection of boss fights. Ranging from titanic machines with enough firepower to level armies to another one that shows an interesting take on recycling. All of this is finely tuned from beginning to end to make an action experience that is exciting and high spirited. That's not to say there aren't some slower moments to keep the pace in check. There is a nice escort segment in the game where you have to move across a dimely lit tunnel that slows down the pace. To another situation where you snipe out guards and spotlights to avoid detection. The game also has some noteable boss battles that could match some of the best stuff in the genre. With the finale sequence being an exciting note for the game to end on.

While all of this prevents the game from becomming repeptitive the game does tend to have moments where it starts to become stale for other reasons. The Agis Core boss battle is used far too often, and the tension of "hit the glowing weak spot" loses all of its appeal on just the second time you battle a similar boss. Much less being able to sustain multiple runs. A lack of upgrades is also disheartening given the developers previous works. It gives the impression that you've done all the improving you're going to do very early in the game. With the only significant armor upgrade happening far too late into the game to be meaningful. The weapon variety is nicely balanced with shooter mainstays such as Shotguns, assault rifles, rocketlaunchers, etc but other weapons such as the Disc Gun hardly hold their appeal through out the experience. You're better off sticking to the more typical shooter weapons. The other major annoyance is the final stretch of the game becomes far too monotone for a game that ends rather quickly, and abruptly. Though what the final segments lack in variety they more than make up for in intensity.

From a technical standpoint the game is a solid graphical work. While the art direction is rather lacking all the character models are nicely done. The animations are nicely done from Sam's morphing gun to his standard action. The effects are superb with each machine having a rather dramatic explosion to the standard kill a machine and watch it explode routine. With the amount of enemies constantly being bombarded at you it's impressive that the game maintains such a fluid framerate. Audio wise the sound effects are as good as most modern action game with the slow motion audio work being the best parts of the game. It's a shame the soundtrack nor voice acting never matches this same standard.

Vanquish is a speedy action game that ends far too quickly. Challenge modes provide enough incentives for return visits to test your skills, but at the end your left wanting more. Part of this is because of some major missed opportunites. The other is because the action is just so finely tuned. It's speedier pace, and multiple abilities give the combat a refreshing feel not found in other cover based shooters.It may be over in a flash, but Vanquish is a fast paced ballet of ass kickery that is incredibly fun to play. You'll be sliding across the battle field at a break neck pace, and dishing out massive damage to a large group of foes. Causing a large quantity of explosions and a firework show all over the battlefield. It all adds up to an action game that has sublime core action, but just falls a few notches short of true excellence.

Vanquish Making Other Games Look Boring Since 2010 out of 10



Another footballing season, another FIFA game. Unlike someannual series however, the FIFA series is one that is worth getting every year if you're a football fan and FIFA 11 continues this tradition.

One of the new additions to the game is the Be a Goalkeeper mode. In the past couple of years, the Be a Pro mode was released in which you could control a single player in a match and just use them throughout the match. This has now been extended to using goalkeepers. A nice addition that comes as a result of this is that rather than 10 vs 10 matches, you can now have full 11 player vs 11 player matches, something gamers could only dream of 3-4 years ago. The Goalkeeper gameplay is easy to grasp but difficult to master. You will be assisted in your position and will dive to make saves using the right trigger.

When you're active, this mode is very fun. Unfortunately, you're not active through most of the game as you'll only be called into action for shots on target (as there's no need to save off-target shots) and on average there are only 5 or 6 of these in a match. It is much worse if your team is much better than the opposing team as then you will have very little to do. However, this is less blame with the game and more with the sport itself meaning EA have done well with their Be a Goalkeeper mode.

The standard gameplay has also been improved. Passing has been refined so that your direction and power is very important. Ping pong passing is now a lot more difficult as passes that are too light will not reach players and players will spend more time controlling the ball with heavy passes. This change is a good one since now you have to think about your passes a lot more. Through balls have been weakened as in the previous game, it was too easy to split a defence with one.

However, chipped through balls (through balls in the air opposed to on the ground) are now a lot easier to pull off whereas they weren't in the previous game meaning it's almost a like for like change. It would have been better if they could find a balance, if they could strengthen standard through balls slightly and weaken chipped through balls, the through ball system would be perfect.

Chipping the ball over the goalkeeper was way too easy in the previous game and is a lot harder in this game which is sitable as it isn't common for players to do so in real life. There are now a lot more animations for shots and there are a wide range of goals your players can score. The personality plus feature means that players have different characteristics, this means that certain players will be better at curling finesse shots in whilst others will be better at driving them into the top corner. Some will be very good in the air whilst others will have enough stamina that will allow them to run all over the pitch throughout the match. This is another good feature as it makes the players feel just a bit more realistic.

Heading has been improved greatly in the game meaning it is easier to score headers which is a good change as it is common for players to score headers in real life. Defending has been strengthened, understandably most defenders are stronger than attackers meaning attackers will have to think more in order to try and get past them. Defenders can jockey to run alongside strikers and are much more physical. Most players can be barged off the ball by defenders but the stronger attackers, the likes of Wayne Rooney and Didier Drogba can match defenders in terms of strength. Defenders to tend to make the odd shocking error, attempts to header the ball back to the goalkeeper can fall way too short and when the goalkeeper dives towards the ball, defenders often collide into them knocking the ball out of their hand providing an attacker with an easy tap-in.

Other additions include being able to listen to your own music during menus and matches. This is a nice addition but for those who choose not to will be able to listen to EA's excellent soundtrack. Graphically the game is better with players and stadiums looking more realistic than ever. The Ultimate Team mode has returned in FIFA 11 but is now free. This is my favourite mode in the game and allows you to buy players in the form of cards and build the best team you can.

You can then use this team for single-player and online tournaments which earn you coins with which you can buy more players. This mode is very deep with things like team chemistry (e.g. players from the same league/country/club play better with each other), morale and fitness being important. I recommend you to try this mode, it is very addictive and in my opinion is the best game mode in the game.

Online matches are generally good with little lag. However, EA's servers are a little problematic so don't be surprised if you randomly sign out. Still, there are a choc-load of online modes meaning there's plenty to do when you're competing online.

Overall, despite improving on FIFA 10 in small ways, the fact that FIFA 11 improves on FIFA 10 in almost every way, it means that it's a great sequel and is a game that all football fans should own.

9 out of 10

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#3 Willy105
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Hello, gent. What do you think of Fallout: New Vegas?


OPTION 1. *INT* It's easily one of the best RPGs ever made

OPTION 2. FO3 was better

OPTION 3. Dude that game was ****ing glitched

OPTION 4. This review sucks, laters *end review*


CHOSE OPTION 1. Yes it is, actually. Don't let nostalgia blind you; many of its aspects (faction design, overall quest design) far and away outstrip even the original games.


1A. How so?

1B. I agree Jethro, you are the man.

1C. I agree to an extent, but FO1 was a tighter package overall.



What do you mean, "how so"? It's faction system is the best I've ever seen in an RPG; its quest design is exquisite. It's a layered, complex, deep, highly rewarding role playing experience; the ways quests are layered into one another is much better than in the originals, inarguably.


1AA. Hmm, makes sense.

1AB. We'll have to agree to disagree.

1AC. Well, you're a bloody idiot, now aren't you?



Of course it makes sense, I said it, didn't I?


1AAA. Ehh, sure...

1AAB. Screw you *leave review hastily* *end review*



Have you ever seen a bird with nipples? *end review*



Fair enough. *end review*



Toss off, horse gogger. *end review*



Thanks, chap. *end of review*



I agree. Poe would have referred to what it accomplished as 'singular effect.' Its atmosphere, its tone, was consistent throughout; it was an incredibly well designed game.


1CA. Who do you prefer Jethro, Poe or Lovecraft?

1CB. Cool story, breh.



Lovecraft, personally.


1CAA. Dreadful taste.

1CAB. Right on! *passes opium pipe*



Sure. Now leave, idiot. *end review*



Thanks breh. *end review*


Chose 1CB.

Riveting tail, cat. *end review*



Sure Todd, whatever helps you sleep at night.


2A. Do you imply that anyone who disagrees with you is a Bethesda employee?

2B. I haven't the slightest clue what you're on about.



Pretty much. Catch you later, Pete.


2AA. You're a sociopath.

2AB. **** off. *end review*



I won't argue with you. *end review*



Good, then you can't share in my nightmares. *end review*



Of course that's what you'd say. All that matters to anyone on SW these days is ****ing technical proficiency; it's like a massive, rabidly psychotic graphics cult that worships the various visual aspects of console games as if fighting for second place were somehow noble, or anything other than unbelievably stupid.

You're probably a Fable fan too, right?


3A. Well of course, that's a wonderful series!

3B. Hell no, Fable sucks. Relax man.



Alright then. It seems I have no choice.




Sorry man, I get out of control sometimes. Go in peace, honeychile. *end review*



Fable fan sees jethrovegas approaching

Fable fan tries to flee

Fable fan cannot flee

jethrovegas kicks Fable fan in the teeth, causing 32 points of damage, and spilling his blood like warm milk onto the cold metal floor. The pain must be excruciating.

Fable fanuses Molyneux's Light!

jethrovegas nimbly dodges the attack

Fable fan summonsLION-HEAD

LION-HEAD uses maul

jethrovegasblocks the attack

jethrovegas summons GHOST OF BLACK-ISLE

GHOST OF BLACK-ISLE uses Avellone's Essence

LION-HEAD is hit with exceptional writing for 103 points of damage; its face explodes, sending chunks of viscera and shattered fangs scattering like skittles across the battlefield.

LION-HEAD has been killed!

Fable fan tries to flee

Fable fan cannot flee

GHOST OF BLACK-ISLE has been taken out of the fight

jethrovegas summons GHOST OF TROIKA

GHOST OF TROIKAattacks Fable fan - it's a three-pronged attack!

-Boyarsky hits Fable fan in the ribs for 84 points of damage; he sucks air and tries to stand up, but is bleeding inside already; the pain is too much.

-Anderson head-butts Fable fan for 91 points of damage; his chest-bone snaps like a saltine cracker!

-Cain knees Fable fan in the groin for MASSIVE 189 POINT DAMAGE! His stomach has been driven up into his throat!

Fable fan has been killed!

jethrovegas has gained 525 experience points!

jethrovegas is now level 9002!


*end review*


/dialogue tree



skill checks turn me onout of 10

Willy105: Alright guys, who was the best in February?

789shadow: The 360 didn't get hacked into oblivion....

Jynxzor: Sony won, I feel, they took a cue from Valve and sent German Police after a hacker. I don't want to live in a world where that is not pure win.

DarkLink77: Killzone 3 was a flop. No games is better than having a flop, so I say Microsoft, because we all know Nintendo isn't a real game company.

HarlockJC: A large account of of the PSP's sales were because it was easy to hack. Unless the NGP becomes as easy to hack, it will not reach the same success the PSP had.

Fabz_95: NGP looks good, but will disappoint just like the PSP (ironically, the PSP was the only one with a AAAE this month, lolwut). Since there have been few exclusives this month outside of KZ2, I say PS3 wins.

Darkspineslayer: You guys hear about that 3DS? Japan shut down for a day.

Jynxzor: I heard they declared it a national holiday, and when the 'secret' restock arrived, some people died of sheer happiness.

Willy105: The PS3 got Steam, they won by default.

Stevo_the_Gamer*: Shouldn't we be worried about the ramifications of Valve extending it's monopolistic infrastructure to a new market?

Everyone: Shut up Stevo!

Willy105: So the winner is Sony!










*as played by LaFigueroa

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#4 iammason
Member since 2004 • 4189 Posts

Gotta say, I love that gif. of the PS3 being hacked.

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#5 timmy00
Member since 2006 • 15360 Posts

Poor Champ. He shall be missed. :(

(Man I need to start contrbuting more to the magazine. :P)

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#6 tagyhag
Member since 2007 • 15874 Posts
I can't wait to see how this new SWM works. :D
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#7 Silverbond
Member since 2008 • 16130 Posts

JG are the intials of some pro racer guy and he's a 4x champ.

Oh, and this new smaller magazine looks dope you guys.

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#8 Jynxzor
Member since 2003 • 9313 Posts
Ahh it's nice to finally see those graphics on the main forums, they fit perfectly like I thought!...and damn way to spice up my article, I didn't think you were putting it in this issue, great selection of pics though.
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#9 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 50256 Posts
May jg4xchamp rest in peace, one of the last true manticores at Gamespot. *salutes*
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#10 paradigm68
Member since 2003 • 5588 Posts
Great issue, enjoying the read, Love that GIF of the PS3. :P
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#11 Blabadon
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One of the only magazines I actually read.
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#12 AmayaPapaya
Member since 2008 • 9029 Posts

Great Magazine! Am enjoying it as always.

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#13 LastRambo341
Member since 2010 • 8767 Posts
Shall we protest to the moderators to get him back?
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#14 DarkLink77
Member since 2004 • 32731 Posts
Shall we protest to the moderators to get him back?LastRambo341
Champ had over 90 moderations and 21 suspensions. I doubt it would work.
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#15 Stevo_the_gamer  Moderator
Member since 2004 • 50256 Posts
[QUOTE="LastRambo341"]Shall we protest to the moderators to get him back?DarkLink77
Champ had over 90 moderations and 21 suspensions. I doubt it would work.

Yeah, I'm sure he's done. May be rest in peace... don't worry folks, there is LIFE after Gamespot. Hahaha:P
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#16 SaltyMeatballs
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RIP 'Champ. GS never fails to disappoint...
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#17 Giant_Panda
Member since 2007 • 982 Posts

That's sad to hear jg4xchamp is gone. He was truly a great and entertaining poster.:cry:

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#18 BrunoBRS
Member since 2005 • 74156 Posts

Gotta say, I love that gif. of the PS3 being hacked.

agreed :P what happened to the sweet, magazine-like design? :(
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#19 Jynxzor
Member since 2003 • 9313 Posts

Gotta say, I love that gif. of the PS3 being hacked.

agreed :P what happened to the sweet, magazine-like design? :(

It's been turned into a quarterly magazine so the designers don't kill themselves.
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#20 Snakemaster9
Member since 2010 • 1420 Posts

Why did he get banned

And lol @ PS3 hacked gif.

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#21 BrunoBRS
Member since 2005 • 74156 Posts

Gotta say, I love that gif. of the PS3 being hacked.

agreed :P what happened to the sweet, magazine-like design? :(

It's been turned into a quarterly magazine so the designers don't kill themselves.

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#22 WilliamRLBaker
Member since 2006 • 28915 Posts

I thought the janurary issue was the finale?

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#23 DarkLink77
Member since 2004 • 32731 Posts

I thought the janurary issue was the finale?

It was for the old format. The magazine is still going, just in a different direction that makes it easier on our artists.
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#24 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26213 Posts

I thought the janurary issue was the finale?

It was for the old format. The magazine is still going, just in a different direction that makes it easier on our artists.

Yep. Think of it as the end of Power Rangers Turbo and the start of Power Rangers in Space.
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#25 789shadow
Member since 2006 • 20195 Posts


I thought the janurary issue was the finale?


It was for the old format. The magazine is still going, just in a different direction that makes it easier on our artists.

Yep. Think of it as the end of Power Rangers Turbo and the start of Power Rangers in Space.

So yeah. This is System Wars Monthly IN SPACE.

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#26 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
Member since 2007 • 22399 Posts
I should contribute to this sometime...
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#27 AdobeArtist  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 25184 Posts

[QUOTE="Willy105"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"] It was for the old format. The magazine is still going, just in a different direction that makes it easier on our artists.789shadow

Yep. Think of it as the end of Power Rangers Turbo and the start of Power Rangers in Space.

So yeah. This is System Wars Monthly IN SPACE.

Let's get this right :)

System. Wars. Magazine.



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#28 Ballroompirate
Member since 2005 • 26695 Posts

JG are the intials of some pro racer guy and he's a 4x champ.

Oh, and this new smaller magazine looks dope you guys.


Probably means Jeff Gordon, pretty sure hes at 5x champ though lol.

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#29 Willy105
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How the heck is "Nintendo Got Pwned" winning the poll? New Greenham Park is more deserving....
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#30 AdobeArtist  Moderator
Member since 2006 • 25184 Posts

How the heck is "Nintendo Got Pwned" winning the poll? New Greenham Park is more deserving....Willy105

Nah, it's the Neo Geo Pocket :P

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#31 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
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Seeing as there has been no truely announced games, its the first option.
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#32 catfishmoon23
Member since 2005 • 5197 Posts


JG are the intials of some pro racer guy and he's a 4x champ.

Oh, and this new smaller magazine looks dope you guys.


Probably means Jeff Gordon, pretty sure hes at 5x champ though lol.

Nah, he's a 4x champ for the years 1995, 1997, 1998, and 2001.

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#33 Raymundo_Manuel
Member since 2010 • 4641 Posts

October 13, 2010 after being elected to be King by System Wars users.


You don't vote for a king.

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#34 DarkLink77
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October 13, 2010 after being elected to be King by System Wars users.


You don't vote for a king.

Well how'd he become king then?

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#35 catfishmoon23
Member since 2005 • 5197 Posts


October 13, 2010 after being elected to be King by System Wars users.


You don't vote for a king.

Possible (re)names for the title: System Wars President, System Wars, Prime Minister, System Wars ____________.


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#36 BrunoBRS
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October 13, 2010 after being elected to be King by System Wars users.


You don't vote for a king.

if i added any extra text to this post, the joke would be ruined.

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#37 Willy105
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October 13, 2010 after being elected to be King by System Wars users.


You don't vote for a king.

Padme was elected. And so was Champ.
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#38 789shadow
Member since 2006 • 20195 Posts

Now that we're stickied, this thread is dead. :P

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#39 david_lck
Member since 2005 • 3211 Posts
lol, pretty ironic if you think about it. Maybe I should unsticky the thread. :P
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#40 789shadow
Member since 2006 • 20195 Posts

lol, pretty ironic if you think about it. Maybe I should unsticky the thread. :Pdavid_lck

You know.....try it. :P You can always stick it again later.

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#41 FireEmblem_Man
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Hey willy! Tomorrow is March 1, not February 29 :P

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#42 ZippySlappy
Member since 2009 • 2664 Posts
Can't believe nobody did this yet but: Lmao champ got banned. HAHAHAH. Obligatory : P. Good issue.
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#43 fabz_95
Member since 2006 • 15425 Posts

Gotta say, I love that gif. of the PS3 being hacked.

agreed :P what happened to the sweet, magazine-like design? :(

It's been turned into a quarterly magazine so the designers don't kill themselves.

lol'd. Good job guys!
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#44 Willy105
Member since 2005 • 26213 Posts
The reviews have been posted!
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#45 omho88
Member since 2007 • 3967 Posts

I lol'd at the fun fact ..... good way to draw cows to read the infamous magazine ;) .

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#46 Sw33tChilLi
Member since 2009 • 328 Posts
Nice title :P Its surprising that j4g had 90 moderations and 21 suspensions, LOL thats pretty impressive; NeoGAF would've banned him years ago lol. Atleast we can welcome our rightful king of SW, SolidTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#48 789shadow
Member since 2006 • 20195 Posts

You know, I've never even heard ofJG4XCHAMP.


That doesn't seem possible. :|

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#49 icygangsta
Member since 2006 • 2897 Posts


You know, I've never even heard ofJG4XCHAMP.


That doesn't seem possible. :|

I think he be trollin'
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#50 Silverbond
Member since 2008 • 16130 Posts

Nice fun fact.