[QUOTE="Delsage"][QUOTE="dooly420"][QUOTE="Delsage"]They are probably sick of funding on the RROD issues. Now this could be a good thing or a bad thing, as that would mean the 360 would only of been out for 4 years.
The good thing would be that it might have more memory, maybe 1024mb, which imo these current consoles should of had. Plus they would probably make a deal with sony so they could incoporate Blu-Ray into it, which would shut all those people who says Blu-Ray is not needed when clearly it is.
But the major bonus is they could actually make a system that WORKS!!! I swear I am not buying into another Microsoft console UNTIL they fix their problems, or else they should stick to software.
if it comes out by 2010 then it will be 5 years. and it took sony 2 generations to make a console that works. did you already forget about the problems the ps1 and ps2 had?I had a first gen PS2 and it lasted me ... oh until I got a PS3 that's right.
I had a Xbox and it lasted me 2 years.
3 360's and don't care to have anymore after that, honestly if they didn't have the RROD I would still be playing Bioshock ... but oh wait, that is coming to the PS3 now, and I don't care for Gears so I think I am all set.
All I want from the 360 now is Masseffect, Ninja Gaiden 2 and maybe a couple Mistwalker games. But I am not going to buy another 360 that will more than likely get RROD just for those, sorry.
Also I am glad I don't have to pay for the online anymore, it's another game for me every year. It may not be as good as Xbox Live, but Sony's new upgraded store is better than Xbox market place now imo, unless it changed in the past 7 months which I highly doubt.
So if that can change than why can't Sony's PSN? I hear in game XMB is on the way, so you can add friends like in XBL, plus there is Home coming which I am still not to sure about, but if all goes in the right direction it might be Sonys ticket to passing XBL completely.
So all in all I am contempt with owning just a PS3, Wii, PC. But you never know, maybe someday Microsoft will start fixing their hardware instead of hiding it under a 3 year warrenty. Though I doubt it, so, have fun when you get that RROD after 3 years are up. ;)
i'm on my second ps2 in two years and i have friends that went through 3 or 4 ps2's. my xbox lasted me for three years, up until i sold it. i still have a working ps1, but that doesn't mean i don't know people that went through quite a few of them.That's odd, cause I have all of my friends which is quite a few that have a PS2 never had to replace theirs. Not to mention there have been much more reports of Xbox 1 failing than PS2 by a large margin, second only to that of the 360. What does that tell ya???
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