To sell half finished products. Capcom sells Games which are later finished as of the likes of Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom, Resident evil 5 : gold edition, Super Street Fighter 4 and so forth, they've done this since i can remember back on the Snes with Super Street fighter 2 Turbo. Nintendo Sells consoles which are not finished products, The Wii needed a upgrade of WM+ to compete with Move, N64 needed a RAM upgrade to play several games like Perfect Dark, 3DS will need a 2nd A-Stick for games like Monster Hunter 4 and Resident Evil : Revelatios which are both products from... you guessed it Capcom.
Am i right Bro / sis ?! Give me a "Hell yeah".
PS: i like both companies.... Just poking fun at them in a SW's kind of way.
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