scraps from the bottom of the garbage can.
This is really the way I see it when you look at the sales rates. Wii is dominating worldwide. It's selling about as fast as PS3 and 360 combined. And DS' domination over the PSP is even more severe. And it's doing this even BEFORE the big-hitters of Mario Galaxy, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros., and Metroid Prime have launched, and before Zelda:Phantom Hourglass, and Dragon Quest 9 for the DS.
Once those games release, combined with Nintendo's price advantage, it's lights out for the "competition" (and I use that term loosely).
Wii is doing great but what good does that do me. The Wii and its plentiful amounts of mini games and PS2 ports doesnt make me wanna get it. I am sure it might be perfect for some but just like the DS and GBA, the Wii as your ONLY system would not be the ideal for many gamers unless your a Nintendo fan.
Wii's great sales are great for Nintendo but due to their restricting hardware and controls, 3rd parties (who love to make multiplat games) will still shun the Wii and work with the combined audience of the PS3/360. So although Nintendo may be eating Filet Mignon, its customers due to lack of 3rd party and unnecessary amounts of mini games are eating soggy Tuna Fish.
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