Ok, so here's the deal. I want a psp, right. But I also want Final Fantasy IV Ds. It looks great, and I love Final Fantasy (at least some - between 4-9) The story sounds great, the graphics look great, and it sounds like a real meaty final fantasy experience. But I don't want an NDS. I don't give a toss about Mario and his assorted crowd of hangers on. I'm sure there are lots of really fun games on the NDS (it has loads more games released and upcoming than the PSP) But I'm more of a hardcore gamer. I like grown up games (sad, I know, but there it is.) I got bored of Mario back when I was a kid, and Zelda likewise. My last console was a Gamecube, and I only used it to play non-nintendo games (Rogue Squadron, Soul Calibur ii etc.) While there are some titles that look cool for the Ds (advance wars, The World Ends With You, AOE, Ninja Gaiden, Lunar Knights) there are just more on the PSP (God of War, Tekken, Syphon Filter, MGS, GTA, Daxter etc) Plus there's the ability to play PSONE games to your PSP, (with a PS3 of course) which I really want to be able to do, because there are so many wicked RPG's for the PSONE that I want to be able to play on the go (Final Fantasies 7-9, Chrono Cross, Xenogears etc.) Plus the graphics on the PSP are so much more impressive, and it has that huge (compared to the DS) sexy screen.
But that said, there aren't any titles for the PSP itself that I couldn't bare to pass up on (how I feel about Final Fantasy iv Ds). It has Crisis Core: FF VII, but from what I hear, the battle system is a mess, and it sounds like just another hollow exploitative rip-off of FFVII's greatness (I loathed Advent Children.) Apparently the PSP is getting it's own exclusive new Final Fantasy some point far in the future with 'Final Fantasy Agito XIII' which sounds like it could be cool, but I'm not to keen on any of the new FF's made since the merger with Enix, and it might be just like Crisis core (a shallow portable tie-in.)
And there's also the possibility that Square will release more 3D remakes of their old titles on the DS, which would be even more annoying to miss (FFVI in particular)
So I'm in a bit of a quandry. Here are my options:
Buy a PSP, and the PSONE version of FFIV, and miss out on the cool looking new graphics (I had to give up on FFVI because I just couldn't take the return to 16 bit graphics after the new PSONE FF's)
Buy a PSP, and hope that the upgraded IV is released on some other system that I actually want to buy in the future, and make do with Crisis Core and hope FF Agito XIII is freakin awesome.
Buy a nintendo Ds and FFIV ds, play it, finish it, and then try out the best sounding games left on the system, while I continue to play my old playstation games at home.
Buy an NDS and a PSP, which would be expensive, and leave me feeling frustrated that I'd bought another system that I hardly ever played.
I'm stuck! Any help will be greatly appreciated (but please, no fanboy rants from any side.)
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