@putaspongeon said:
@FireEmblem_Man said:
@putaspongeon said:
The SNES is more powerful than the Genesis
The Nintendo 64 was more powerful than the ps1.
Gamecube was more powerful than ps2.
Etc etc
People started complaining about the power of nintendo systems when there were issues with the power of nintendo systems. (starting with the wii)
So that statement is stupid, and the wii only was popular out of merit of "filthy casuals" like your grandma buying it for wii tennis and that crowd is long gone.
Power is important since it needs to be able to run all the 3rd party games that the competition is playing or your console literally only has exclusives on it and it's silly for the masses to buy a 250-500 dollar (hopefully it's more like 250-350 for their sake) to only play exclusives. The same for xbox one, it's stupid to buy a console only to play 3rd party when there is competition that have both 3rd party and exclusives.
Regarding the "big company" thing, nintendo has a lot of money in the bank + the fact is that sony and microsoft won't drop money out of windows even if they have more money to do so, they spend money to make profit, there'd be no xbox if it wasn't profitable so your "oh it can't compete" statement is just wrong.
In Gen 3, since there was no competition for NES, it went against PC's with Gaming functions, also SMS was more powerful than NES
Neo Geo is more powerful than the SNES
OG Xbox is more powerful than GC
Xbox 360 is more powerful than Wii
Game Gear is more powerful than Gameboy, Pocket, and Color
GBA had no competition unless your counted the Nokia N-Gage
PSP is more powerful than DS
PSVita is more powerful than 3DS
Did at any point did I say that it was the strongest, also gaming pcs were irrelevant back then + consoles back then were kings of strength, for example it took years for the xbox to be surpassed.
But yes, nintendo has been competitive in the console market as far as hardware until the wii, mentioning the 3ds is fucking irrelevant considering that comes well after the wii. Also the xbox 360 thing is irrelevant as well since like I said (can you not read?), nintendo had competitive hardware....... UNTIL THE WII
The wii is when nintendo started to screw things over.
Also the ps3 was hard to develop for but it was vastly stronger than the 360 as far as hardware, it's why it could do the last of us.
PS3 and Xbox 360 is similar in effective compute power.
"I'm going to have to answer with an 'it depends,'" laughs Shippy, after a pause. "Again, they're completely different models. So in the PS3, you've got this Cell chip which has massive parallel processing power, the PowerPC core, multiple SPU cores… it's got a GPU that is, in the model here, processing more in the Cell chip and less in the GPU. So that's one processing paradigm -- a heterogeneous paradigm."
"With the Xbox 360, you've got more of a traditional multi-core system, and you've got three PowerPC cores, each of them having dual threads -- so you've got six threads running there, at least in the CPU. Six threads in Xbox 360, and eight or nine threads in the PS3 -- but then you've got to factor in the GPU," Shippy explains. "The GPU is highly sophisticated in the Xbox 360."
He concludes: "At the end of the day, when you put them all together, depending on the software, I think they're pretty equal, even though they're completely different processing models."
From https://forum.beyond3d.com/posts/1460125/
"I could go on for pages listing the types of things the spu's are used for to make up for the machines aging gpu, which may be 7 series NVidia but that's basically a tweaked 6 series NVidia for the most part. But I'll just type a few off the top of my head:"
1) Two ppu/vmx units
There are three ppu/vmx units on the 360, and just one on the PS3. So any load on the 360's remaining two ppu/vmx units must be moved to spu.
2) Vertex culling
You can look back a few years at my first post talking about this, but it's common knowledge now that you need to move as much vertex load as possible to spu otherwise it won't keep pace with the 360.
3) Vertex texture sampling
You can texture sample in vertex shaders on 360 just fine, but it's unusably slow on PS3. Most multi platform games simply won't use this feature on 360 to make keeping parity easier, but if a dev does make use of it then you will have no choice but to move all such functionality to spu.
4) Shader patching
Changing variables in shader programs is cake on the 360. Not so on the PS3 because they are embedded into the shader programs. So you have to use spu's to patch your shader programs.
5) Branching
You never want a lot of branching in general, but when you do really need it the 360 handles it fine, PS3 does not. If you are stuck needing branching in shaders then you will want to move all such functionality to spu.
6) Shader inputs
You can pass plenty of inputs to shaders on 360, but do it on PS3 and your game will grind to a halt. You will want to move all such functionality to spu to minimize the amount of inputs needed on the shader programs.
7) MSAA alternatives
Msaa runs full speed on 360 gpu needing just cpu tiling calculations. Msaa on PS3 gpu is very slow. You will want to move msaa to spu as soon as you can.
Post processing
360 is unified architecture meaning post process steps can often be slotted into gpu idle time. This is not as easily doable on PS3, so you will want to move as much post process to spu as possible.
9) Load balancing
360 gpu load balances itself just fine since it's unified. If the load on a given frame shifts to heavy vertex or heavy pixel load then you don't care. Not so on PS3 where such load shifts will cause frame drops. You will want to shift as much load as possible to spu to minimize your peak load on the gpu.
10) Half floats
You can use full floats just fine on the 360 gpu. On the PS3 gpu they cause performance slowdowns. If you really need/have to use shaders with many full floats then you will want to move such functionality over to the spu's.
11) Shader array indexing
You can index into arrays in shaders on the 360 gpu no problem. You can't do that on PS3. If you absolutely need this functionality then you will have to either rework your shaders or move it all to spu.
Etc, etc, etc...
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