First let's start off with the premise that all businesses exist to make money and further their profitability. I think that's something that, despite our preferences, we all can agree on. Now I know many are going to come at me after reading the topic title, pointing out that Nintendo's been around for 125+ years, that the Switch is flying off the shelves, posting the doomclock GIF etc, so let me preempt:
This topic isn't proclaiming Nintendo's demise. I'm not arguing they're in danger of going out of business.
It's also not to say that they are unable to sell systems and bring in a profit; instead it's a relative argument. It's about them failing to fully capitalize on their resources and trends in the market to bring them greater profitability than they already are seeing. Mostly I'll be supporting this argument with their failure to leverage their online and legacy.
Firstly, to the former: in an age where PSN is reputed to have brought in more money than the entirety of Nintendo, this company insists on marginalizing and presenting a paltry and insufficient online ecosystem that sadly remains more than a decade behind conventional standards. They have many IPs that are ripe and screaming to exploit a fully-featured online platform (Kart, Smash, Pikmin, Mario, Tennis). Voice chat through the system, friend invites (no friend codes), and every feature that is to be expected for online in 2019. Hell, 2010 standards would be a miraculous improvement. Yet they do the least amount possible, in the most convoluted manner possible, and now arrogantly decide to charge for it.
Will people pay? Yes, but that's only because they've no other option and not due to the merits of the actual service, which most bemoan. But if Nintendo took initiative to build their online past the point of an afterthought, not from apathy but instead actual ambition, people would gladly throw $60 annually their way without any hesitation, and they'd do it in droves. Further, Nintendo's actions towards online would attract the attention of third parties, something they've consistently struggled with. It would in addition make their platform more appealing to developers, even lacking hardware parity.
In addition, Nintendo is letting their legacy rot when they have a platform that has never been more conducive to being an all-in-one go to portable solution for retro gaming for their numerous systems and countless classics dating back decades. Putting out three games from one platform (NES) monthly for a Nintendo Online subscription is ludicrous considering what they could be doing. They should be busting their asses to present a fully-fledged VC store covering every system (at least that's capable of running on the Switch) available. A single place on the Switch to go to browse and buy across a broad spectrum of their legacy. Make these games multiplayer as well, and price them reasonably. They should be working full-tilt on this, as it's solid gold on the table just waiting to be taken. Gamers are begging for Nintendo to take their money, and they refuse to afford them the opportunity. So what do people do instead out of frustration? Pirate, to which Nintendo goes after them. Brilliant.
There is no excuse for neglecting this potential in 2019, and I don't even consider it arguable that Nintendo is run abysmally by a bunch of old clueless dinosaurs who were in their prime in the eighties but today hold absolutely no clue (or care) for the modern gaming landscape, ultimately to their company's detriment. I can only hope in my lifetime that hungry and ambitious youngbloods comes into the executive sphere and shows these imbeciles how it's done.
By a standard of being not just profitable but more profitable that is easily within reach given their circumstances and resources, Nintendo is a complete failure of a company. They sit there so damn conservative and complacent, not understanding that if they weren't, there's a fortune to be made.
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