Okay I've been seeing a lot of Wii fanboy posts with Wii is this, Wii is that, it's selling, it's great, it's destory PS3, it'll destroy 360, Blah blah blah. I just wanna clear something up for all the Wii fans out there. The Wii is a great system but it is not a true next gen system, I own a Wii and I can tell you that 90 percent of the people I know who own Wiis either have or plan on having an second graphically intense next gen console to compliment the Wii. In other words because of the low Wii price tag and the graphical deficiency the Wii has become a bit of a side system that everyone wants.
I other words I believe that everyone who owns a Wii will at one point of another buy a 360 or a PS3 for more graphically intensive games. Thus the Wii is a in a special position, for the first time ever in a console war a system has managed to secure fans from both sides of the equation.
Personaly I believe most in Japan will end up buying the PS3 once MGS4 and FFXIII comes out because the Japanese cannot live and work and sleep without there Final Fantasy and Metal Gear.
While more Americans will end up buying a 360 once Halo 3 and Mass Effect comes out, because most American cannot function in daily activities without Halo and other AAA FPS.
Thus this console war will be divided between Wii60s and PS3Wiis, with almost all serious gamers owing both a Wii and another next gen console.
So please stop the Wii boasting threads, it will not destroy anyone. It'll be owned by everyone but it will never become this gens true winner as most true next gen titles will not run on the Wii, but doesn't mean you can't have a lot of fun with it.
I personaly have a PSWii combo, and do not buy any multplats on Wii because of the graphical limitations but will get first party Wii exclusives. Â
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