Came out of no where and it was advertised as a Direct Mini "Partner Showcase".

Even the fans weren't happy. What's going on, Nintendo? And where is my Bayonetta 3 news. This seems like the worst Nintendo Direct they've had. Do you agree, SW?
I'm just gonna playing WoW classic on PC. I haven't turned on my switch lite in fuggin months dude. The thing is dusty as hell maybe ill play some DKC on the snes app but thats about it I mean.
Systems a disaster no games crap like animal cross kiddie games like orgami king im done with the system breath of the wild 2 that mightr be bring back to the system but thats a long ways away.
Word from people working at Nintendo is that their method of developing games did not translate well to remote working in absolutely any capacity, and almost every game they're working on has been delayed indefinitely.
Now, this is all hearsay, but I live in Nintendo country, Washington, and while I wouldn't necessarily call the people saying these things, "sources," I *do* live in one of the central hubs of the video game industry and am inclined to believe that there's at least some truth to what I've been hearing.
To play devil's advocate, people sharing stories often exaggerate for the sake of keeping their listener invested, so take all this with a huge grain of salt.
But... it's very likely gonna be a rough year for Nintendo fans. If you have a Switch... hope you're not getting bored of Animal Crossing.
EDIT: One potential source of optimism, however, is that Nintendo often finishes games long before their release dates, so while it's not likely, it's possible, that Nintendo is sitting on a few finished titles and could release a few things this year. But, like, don't count on it...
@ProtossRushX: Which WoW server? Do you twink at all?
im on Faerlina I don't think Twink got a 60 warr and 37 shammie im leveling up
@IMAHAPYHIPPO: There are still a few big titles set to release this year, such as No More Heroes 3 and Bravely Default 2. But sure, I do think Nintendo is likely to surprise us with at least one more first party release, like the surprise release of Paper Mario.
Back to this Nintendo Direct - it confirmed a 2021 release for Shin Megami Tensei 5 (and an SMT3 remaster). That makes it a good presentation, regardless of what else they announced.
I think the lack of games is due to the COVID situation. I’m not trying to excuse away anything..... I’m just saying what I think is happening.
BTW 3DS is better than Switch.
Nintendo has long since been in their glory days. Haven't tuned my Switch on since BOTW. Are their development teams too small? Where are interesting new IPs?
@ProtossRushX: Yet you still haven’t changed your sig. 🤣🤣🤣
Anyway I didn’t think it was THAT bad but yeah it wasn’t really good either. I’m hyped for Shin Megami Tensai V and looking forward to SMTIII remaster. New Cadence of Hyrule dlc looks pretty good. Still though Nintendo must realize that people are starving for some big info now and they need to start dropping some ASAP.
Where are the great third party games??? I personally don’t care about SMT I just enjoyed SMT Strange journey and even then that was a drag sometimes. Where’s Metroid Prime or an original 2D Metroid?? Where are the creative new IPs?? Where are the creative FPS games like Perfect Dark??
@svaubel: As a Nintendo fan, I’m just lost man. And confused. They could just brainstorm some ideas and say: hey, here are some games that we’d like to work on. We’ll release it late 2021 or in 2022, just give us some time and we’ll see what we can do. That would create some positive vibes.
@IMAHAPYHIPPO: Just give me Breath of the Wild 2 this year, and I can live with a drought. Unless they want to give me Metroid Prime 4 as well.....
A guy can dream.
To the TC. The direct was fine. Were people thinking that there was going to be a slew of first party titles and a bunch of surprises? I wouldn't lose any sleep over this.
This Mini 3rd-party direct would not have been so bad if 2020 as a whole was not so bleak for Nintendo.
Unfortunately Covid-19 has had an impact on Nintendo's infrastructure and how they run things.
Morally I can understand and feel bad over their predicament, but as a consumer it's disappointing to not fully know what their plans are or how they're going to adapt to everything.
Nintendo has long since been in their glory days. Haven't tuned my Switch on since BOTW. Are their development teams too small? Where are interesting new IPs?
Fair question. When it comes to new IP, Nintendo's standard operating procedure is that if someone comes up with a new idea, they first try to make it work in an existing IP with an already established market appeal before creating an entirely new IP.
@IMAHAPYHIPPO: Just give me Breath of the Wild 2 this year, and I can live with a drought. Unless they want to give me Metroid Prime 4 as well.....
A guy can dream.
To the TC. The direct was fine. Were people thinking that there was going to be a slew of first party titles and a bunch of surprises? I wouldn't lose any sleep over this.
I would personally be shocked if either of those games came out this year. Zelda was probably being targeted for holiday 2021 (which means it'll be delayed twice and launch 2023), but that all depends on much they're able to/planning to regurgitate existing elements from BOTW. Metroid was completely rebooted a year or two ago at a different studio. It's gonna be a bit on that one.
There was a lot of noise surfacing about a year of Mario ports and remasters. I'm surprised we haven't heard more about that. Depending on how much legwork they're doing to update those games to modern standards, porting games isn't all that difficult compared to building something from the ground up.
But I agree, if Metroid or Zelda were to somehow come out this year, I'd be over the moon.
@IMAHAPYHIPPO: I would love either of those this year as well, but im ok with nintendo taking all the time they need to make them amazing.
If they simply made BOTW2 the same game, but with 8 real dungeons and maybe a few less shrines, I'm already sold.
Nintendo has long since been in their glory days. Haven't tuned my Switch on since BOTW. Are their development teams too small? Where are interesting new IPs?
Exactly my feeling, seems like after zelda and oddyssey they basically just went the usual route of remasters and your typical jank.
Always the same story with them. 1-3 good games after that wait for there next console/handheld to get something new again.
You were expecting Bayonetta 3, a first-party game, to appear in a third-party Nintendo Direct?
@appariti0n: Same. I definitely missed the dungeons. The one thing that I think kept them from going all in on the traditional long-form dungeons of past Zelda games was their "play however you want" philosophy. Breath of the Wild was very much built as a game that empowered Zelda fans to explore as much or as a little of the specific elements of Zelda that they wanted.
If your favorite part of Zelda was the puzzle elements, you could specifically run around the world and try to find shrines, and no matter where you were, you'd be able to find them without wandering too far. If you loved the combat, there were always enemies somewhere in your vicinity. In breaking all of those things down into smaller encounters, it ensured that nobody would ever get stuck playing a part of the Zelda experience that they didn't want to for too long. So, if you hate the combat, combat will really only inconvenience you for a minute or two and then you can move on to something else, where previous entries would have you playing long sequences, and if that was a part of Zelda you weren't a fan of, you were just stuck doing it until it was over.
These macro-level encounters of all kinds really allowed players to do as little or as much of any particular task that they wanted to do without any real penalty. Working true Zelda dungeons in with traditional boss fights specific to that dungeon I think would have gone against their design decisions for that game.
But in setting out to accomplish that, if they've found a way to work elements like that back into the experience in ways where it doesn't punish the players who want to avoid them, I am 100% on board to see traditional Zelda dungeons back in the game. I wonder if maybe that's what that cave Link and Zelda are exploring in the original trailer represents.
I wasn't expecting much, so I'm not disappointed. They explicitly said they would focus on third party content.
Nintendo can get away with any bullcrap. The fanbase is too loyal and fanatical.
...except that people are downvoting it and making threads about it. Which is a bit crazy, since it was just a mini Direct focused on a few 3rd party titles.
Nintendo didn't hype it up as a huge Direct, so I don't know why people had super high expectations for it.
Nintendo can get away with any bullcrap. The fanbase is too loyal and fanatical.
...except that people are downvoting it and making threads about it. Which is a bit crazy, since it was just a mini Direct focused on a few 3rd party titles.
Nintendo didn't hype it up as a huge Direct, so I don't know why people had super high expectations for it.
The typical "Nintendo gets away with everything" conspiracy theory.
BTW 3DS is better than Switch.
3DS was a step down from the DS.
@nintendoboy16: yes but it’s backwards compatible to the ds. It’s like one console. That’s what I meant.
@nintendoboy16: yes but it’s backwards compatible to the ds. It’s like one console. That’s what I meant.
And? For new experiences, it's library was lower than the DS. BC is great, but it isn't a savior, just look at Wii U and XBONE.
I wasn't expecting much, so I'm not disappointed. They explicitly said they would focus on third party content.
It was whatever. The bigger problem right now is how bleak the rest of the year looks for Nintendo 1st-party. I'm gonna lean on maybe the "big one" is yet to come. If Smash Bros. has any insight, they usually reveal the next fighter at their major directs and we didn't get a fighter reveal this time. I think the next fighter reveal for Smash is imminent either this month or next month, so my guess we'll have a bigger presentation soon.
What's disappointing about this Mini Direct is it wasn't longer. I would have liked to see more information on No More Heroes 3 and its release date. And whatever happened with Persona 5 Scramble? Isn't it supposed to come out in the west?
@jaydan: they just released a statement today
Saying how COVID has been impacting their business. Apparently they’re saying that they’re being impacted somewhat.
Nintendo can get away with any bullcrap. The fanbase is too loyal and fanatical.
Again with this?
I hope you realize there's people like that for all major brands, singling out Nintendo makes zero sense.
@nintendoboy16: what is your point right now?? I know what you’ve said better then you.
Just saying, it's a bold statement to say something as defeated as the 3DS is better than the Switch, when it turns out to be one of Nintendo's weaker outings in the handheld business.
@jaydan: oh I didn’t know that. I’m honestly over this Virus. I’m ready to move on. But I know it’s not going anywhere.
@nintendoboy16: it’s not. It’s a matter of opinion. Some people think the 3DS has a stronger library than the Switch you know.
They didn't show Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin but showed it in the Japanese Direct mini
The Japanese Direct also showed this game if you're interested in it.
I can understand during this time output being affected by the virus (although in this industry at least a lot of work can be done remotely, but not all) but Nintendo's consoles have a long history of suffering large droughts towards the middle and end of the console life so this is not exactly unprecedented.
Then the fans, defensive because this gets pointed out in places like here just to tease, start listing highly average or minor games like Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin and Wonderful 101 as evidence that the drought is not real even though on a system with anything else to look forward to these games wouldn't just be under the radar, they would be positively anonymous.
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