Profits usually go up around the 4th quarter, since thats when most sales happen, so your likely to get more profit and dividens (not sure if nintendo gives these) around that time.
But owning stokc in anything right now is pretty risky with the way market is looking, I would get out now, if your still at a profit from when you bought the stock, and invest in something significantly safer. 5% interest in a bank is better than losing 25% in the stock market.
Just thought you should know.
If the stock market really does continue to dive, and everyone goes into a recession/depression, the value of gold will sky rocket, so you might want to consider investing in some gold EFTs.
(If you have a stable job, and are confident you have enough money to keep you going through the upcoming troubles, I would probably sell soon, wait for the disaster to hit, and buy when stuff is low and about to bounce back up. Good luck timing that though, its extremely speculative.)
Of course, making a question like this in a forum of gaming is not a good choice. As people have stated before, they are teenagers who don't use any logic here. You would be much better asking at any financial forum. I'm sure you've read lots of investment books before you invested, so you really know yourself what you should do.
But going into the financial crisis that seems to be approacing you really want to try and minimize your risk.
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