Has Nintendo ever released a game with extensive voice acting?
Has Nintendo ever released a game with extensive CG or even anime sequences?
These 2 things that are pretty comon in moderrn games appears to be negleted by Nintendo, as of today I can't remeber any Nintendo game that has put a lot work into these.
Surely in the the NES/SNES times these thing weren't avaiable... with Ps1 we started seeing and hearing... but as of now the ps1 game usually have more voice acting and CG than most Wii games.
Will Nintendo EVER start using these features? While this features are not required for a good gameplay, isn't a little LAZY on Nintendo's part?
Does Nintendo have a free pass and because of that is the conpany that will never need to use this features, only OHHHH YEAHH mario exclamation are enough?
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