I have a PS3 and I like great single player experiences more then Multi, the problem is theres basically only 1 game for each system that I want right now.
360 = Mass Effect
Wii = Mario Galaxy
So when it comes down to it it depends on the other games that I might like, because it would suck really bad to buy a system for only 1 game.
Halo 3 = not interested in
Bioshock = not interested in either, this i was semi-interested about, but i watched the gametrailers review and a lot of it just looks kinda boring, and i've played up to my neck in FPS im tired of them no matter what new things they bring to the table.
The racing games im not familiar with, (Forza and PGR? i think) = not gonna get cuz im waiting on Gran Turismo prologue and 5
COD4 = not interested in because the singleplayer i've heard is short, which is a nono for me, and I could get it on PS3 anyway if i wanted but i wont
Alan Wake = next year and i dont even know when, but im EXTREMELY interested in this game.
Mass Effect looks amazing though, a game i've always wanted to play involves going through space, seeing other planets, stuff like that, which is basically what mass effect and mario galaxy are whether they're made up planetsor not, (even though i've heard Mass Effect's planets are dull and boring im not sure)and Spore wont come out in a long time.
Also i've seen everyone list a bunch of games for 360 in 08' but Idont know any of them/never played them,except splinter cell which i'd end up getting based on the reviews, i liked all the splinter cells onthe original xboxbut the series is getting a bit tired.
Super Smash = i'll probably get it if i get a wii, but I see that game as the kinda game you play with your friends in one room, nobody i know has a Wii, if this has multiplayer like online like PSN and 360 then this might bring me more towards getting a Wii
Mario Kart = ^same as super smash it doesnt feel like a singleplayer experience, even though I loved super smash and mario kart on N64
Zelda = i've never played a Zelda game so i really dont know if i'd like this
Metroid Prime = another FPS, which is eh and it just seems like a Resistance to me (ofcourse a completely different game but same value) Resistance was like ...eh to me, it was ok but after I beat it i never touched it again.
Resident Evil 4 = This might put me more towards Wii, BUT i've heard from a friend of mine who played it on PS2 that the main character moves so slow like a tank and it made the game really annoying to him, i've never played it but i dont want a game where the main character (when aiming his gun) moves slow or cant move like other 3rd person shooters
Im a pretty open gamer, (I liked Folklore, Warhawk, Uncharted, and Assassins Creed for ps3), pretty much fantasy/adventure type games, role playing once in a while, and 3rd person shooters.
I wish Nintendo would announce more games for 08' to sway my decision more, if they announced a new Star Fox i'd get a Wii right now. N64 was one of my favorite systems ever along with Super Mario 64, which is why I cant really fathom not playing Mario Galaxy because it looks so good, but Mass Effect + Alan Wake looks great too.
Out of the genre's I listed or secondary games compared to the main ones that i want, would I be more geared towardsa Wii or 360? and can someone explain the problems I mentioned with Resident Evil or if i'd like Zelda, thanks
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