Japan - Hardware - This Week
WII - 52,583
PS3 - 14,5203
360 - 2,963
WII 2,014,301
PS3 825,901
360 346,678
Since 11/27/07:
19 Total Weeks of Next Gen sales.
13 Total Weeks of post-holiday sales.
360 - Following the trend: 2-4k. Next Gen Avg = 9,087. Post Holiday Avg = 4,903.
Wii - Newer trend: 50-70k. Next Gen Avg = 106,016.Post Holiday Avg = 69,179.
PS3 - Newer trend: 14-22k. Next Gen Avg = 43,468. Post Holiday Avg = 22,954.
The Wii Is OUTSELLING the 360 by more than 400k in Japan, every month.
● The Wii has had a 1 million unit lead on the PS3 for 6 weeks. (currently 1,188,400 lead)
● The PS3 just had its worst week ever at 14.5k units (previous worst 18.7k).
● The Wii sold 3.62x the PS3 this week, and has 2.44x LTD.
● The Wii JUST BROKE 2 MILLION UNITS (in 19 weeks).
● The PS3 has never. once. outsold. the Wii.
Wii comparisons: At 19 weeks, Wii is where GCN was at 68.7 weeks (January 3, 2003)
PS3 comparisons: At 22 weeks, PS3 is where PS2 was at 2.6 weeks (March 16, 2000)
PS3 vs Wii: Weekly PS3/Wii shares are 21.6/78.4 this week, bringing lifetime shares to 29.1/70.9. If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this rate, it would catch up in 81.8 weeks (October 31, 2008 ).
USA - Hardware Jan.
Wii ~ 436,000 - 1,516,000
360 ~ 294,000 - 4,800,000
PS3 ~ 244,000 - 937,000
Wii ~ 335,000 ~ 1,851,000
Xbox 360 ~ 228,000 ~ 5,028,000
PlayStation 3 ~ 127,000 ~ 1,064,000
Between USA and Japan Wii is outselling 360 by over 500k every month. If you do the math Wii needs to outsell 360 by 400k a month to catch up by the end of the year, its already doing that and then some. Also supply for the Wii is going to increase, just think Wii is still supply constrained in all three major regions and still putting up these kinds of numbers. About Europe, we dont have reliable numbers so i wont include it but if we did have numbers im very confident that the Wii is doing even better.
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