I respect their efforts to come back from that launch disaster, especially as all updates are free and the game has no microtransactions. I begrudge the fact that everyone from Ubisoft to BioWare now points to them and say "we can No Man's Sky our shit" for their own launch disasters, and think that's an excuse. But that's not really Hello Games' fault.
As for the game itself, not my thing. I prefer my space sim more like Freelancer, X3, Starpoint Gemini - the pure role-playing sandboxes, as opposed to NMS's survival crafter.
Never played it. It looked boring as fuk at first and then later looked less boring. It never really screamed must play to me. I would put it around Death Stranding in terms of my interest in playing it. I may check it out at some point, but not many fucks given.
I bought the game couple months ago for my kid. He plays it in creation mode but I don't get some of the advance mechanisms in the game yet, but its cool.
Played it since launch on PS4 and fully enjoy it despite the missing features, I just like the flying part of the game, sailing across the galaxy from planet to planet was the best part but overtime, it got better as Hello Games work hard on it. Got the PC version later on a sale and will sometimes play it from time to time. I heard Hello Games is adding pets now.
Never played it. It looked boring as fuk at first and then later looked less boring. It never really screamed must play to me. I would put it around Death Stranding in terms of my interest in playing it. I may check it out at some point, but not many fucks given.
Put it this way, young me playing N64 and exploring 3D worlds for the first time would've loved this game just because of the novelty of the exploration. That level of exploring just for the sake of it isn't as whimsical and compelling to me as an adult. I wonder if this makes sense to anyone.
The only time as an adult that I was really into exploring for the sake of it was Breath of the Wild. I felt like a kid again.
NMS is amazing! At this point is offers much more content that it was ever promised, and honestly is one of the most feature packed games in the industry.
I never touched it as Sean Murray (i think thats his name) is a lying douchebag who went on tv doing interviews talking about stuff that wasn't even in the game.
Guy should have been arrested for fraud, so its still One Man's Lie to me 🤣🤣🤣
Bought it after the updates and played a few hours. TBH, not my kinda game. Kudos to the dev for making a serviceable game, from their initial disaster.
I sort of liked it at launch and it has only gotten better with age and updates. Props to Hello Games for sticking with it. Frankly I blame Sony for them rushing it out the door; Sean Murray seemed like a really genuine guy that wanted to make something great but I think he felt pressured. In the end though it was their blunder.
As for the game, I think it is great but it's just a bit too much of a time commitment for me. Not the game's fault; I love everything about it, from the quirky personality to the 70's sci-fi aesthetic to the controls and trade systems and factions.
@madrocketeer said:
I respect their efforts to come back from that launch disaster, especially as all updates are free and the game has no microtransactions. I begrudge the fact that everyone from Ubisoft to BioWare now points to them and say "we can No Man's Sky our shit" for their own launch disasters, and think that's an excuse. But that's not really Hello Games' fault.
As for the game itself, not my thing. I prefer my space sim more like Freelancer, X3, Starpoint Gemini - the pure role-playing sandboxes, as opposed to NMS's survival crafter.
Yeah NMS is a blessing in that it came from a game of poor quality and broken promises to one of the better games released in recent years.
It's also a curse though because other publishers and developers think they have an excuse now. They don't, though, just to be clear; Hello Games is a small studio of just four people initially and their budget was likewise pretty small. Studios with thousands of people and millions upon millions of dollars in budget don't get to pull a "No Man Sky" intentionally.
Was interested right before launch and then lost interest after the reviews came in. Never gave the game another look and highly doubt I'll ever play it.
Yeah, I like it. Good game. Not sure I would try to sell it to someone who isn't already interested. The gameplay loop is either going to draw you in immediately or not appeal at all. I don't think this game will win anyone over who wasn't already into the idea. Still, I put a hundred or so hours into it and felt like I only discovered a tiny fraction of what the game has to offer.
I never touched it as Sean Murray (i think thats his name) is a lying douchebag who went on tv doing interviews talking about stuff that wasn't even in the game.
Guy should have been arrested for fraud, so its still One Man's Lie to me 🤣🤣🤣
I actually kind of liked the game more before all the updates. Either way I answered maybe because although fun at times more often than not I was left wondering what the hell I was supposed to do and what the point was... problem is, I think that WAS the point.
I never touched it as Sean Murray (i think thats his name) is a lying douchebag who went on tv doing interviews talking about stuff that wasn't even in the game.
Guy should have been arrested for fraud, so its still One Man's Lie to me 🤣🤣🤣
Actually, many of it is in the game now.
So did they refund all the people they duped at release who paid full price? now of course not, because everyone could have waited years and got it for cheap once all the promised features were finally released in the game.
Lets not forget Sony paid for timed exclusivity, and they walked away from the trainwreck without so much as a scratch.
Did you know Hello Games released a game 6 months ago? i didn't, i guess they didn't want to tell anyone as people would shit on it lol.
Never played it. Looked bad at first and slowly turned into an OK game, as I've understood. Got many other games I'd rather play.
Could've made me a buyer if they had finished the game before asking money for it. Like so many other gamers do, I personally don't buy games based on hype. That way I don't get dissapointed when the game isn't exactly how the person trying to sell his game said it would be.
Gamers are generally very stupid in that sense, and also very vocal when complaining about how stupid they are. Blaming a commercial for deceiving you is just.. a tad retarded.
I enjoyed the game more at release than after that. Very heavy on resource gathering and crafting but it was pretty straight forward, basically jumping from planet to planet and exploring new worlds while following a vague narrative trail. Now it's just bloated with a ton in needless stuff to build and even more resources, just became uninteresting.
Its biggest flaw was always how heartless it is. A cool but shallow technological concept.
Still haven't played it since updates, but I feel I have no patience for the slow burn space sims and like a more streamlined experience like Everspace or Rebel Galaxy and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. If anything I will probably fire up Star Wars Squadrons before No Man's Sky. I am not impressed by game universe size as procedurally generated worlds all look the same with randomized subtle differences with each world that none of it stands out. Honestly I could say same for the the others I mentioned except they have gratifying gameplay, great action.
Picked it up when everyone was saying "it gud gud now", was honestly boring as shit.
Think was spoilt with Elite.
@i_p_daily said:
@sakaixx said:
@i_p_daily said:
I never touched it as Sean Murray (i think thats his name) is a lying douchebag who went on tv doing interviews talking about stuff that wasn't even in the game.
Guy should have been arrested for fraud, so its still One Man's Lie to me 🤣🤣🤣
Actually, many of it is in the game now.
So did they refund all the people they duped at release who paid full price? now of course not, because everyone could have waited years and got it for cheap once all the promised features were finally released in the game.
Lets not forget Sony paid for timed exclusivity, and they walked away from the trainwreck without so much as a scratch.
Did you know Hello Games released a game 6 months ago? i didn't, i guess they didn't want to tell anyone as people would shit on it lol.
frankly I'm one of the few people that loved it and played it at release. I know the dino's you saw in the trailer (and also how they behaved) are not it the game. This jurrassic park parody (of only 30 seconds) pretty much nailed how bad it was (and it's also hilarous)
I'm not really sure if sean murray done this on purpose. Was he purposely trying to fraud so many people , I mean you gotta have an unnatural thick skin to do that. Sure other developpers do portray their games better than they are as well, but this was just plain lies.
Or was it, I mean sean murray did say there were billions of planets and you could never meet each other because of the sheer scale. I think he envisioned what he showed in the trailer, and a lot more than that. He just didn't realize that this was an impossible task by using only procedural generation.
Resulting in this silly jurrassic parody video that reminds me of spore. Still I respect him for what he was trying to do, and thoroughly enjoyed the game in its native state.
Because The procedural generation for animals might not be that successfull. It surely worked for the planets , especially for rock formations, and the flora wasn't all too bad either.
parking your ship on an alien planet, disembarking and looking at your ship in an alien environment really captured the feeling of being an space explorer. Even exploring the planets wasn't all too bad. These are some screenshots I took back in the day
It is something that elite dangerous is very bad at. Sure it's pretty much better in everything else, and as a space combat simulator, space traveller it rules, but it fails to cater the fantasy how alien planets could look like.
IT's also the reason why I kept the game, even in 2015 I respected murray's vision to do something new, hoping this would push bigger companies to do the same.
After playing the game for a couple of days, I never went back tho. The whole base building thing is not really the reason why I bought this game.
Good and relaxing game overall, played for about 15 hours with my friends and we enjoyed it. Not really my type of game though so I haven't touched it for 1.5 year now.
@i_p_daily: Can't speak for those who was super hype but I for one enjoy NMS when it launch and while Sony was offering refunds, (Sony had a good manager at the time) I was satisfied how NMS turn out and wasn't disappointed...but I hardly follow Murry's interview and went blind without knowing what was promise. Got it on PC later on during a sale and I think Hello Games did a much better job than CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077 imo.
NMS is one of the best relaxing game I played in 2016. At least you should give it a try.
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