[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"] They would be singing a diff tune if 1up had enjoyed the game.
Ya know, Killer 7 was a really tough game to like as well. The gameplay was downright horrid. It was the unique story and bizarre characters that made it worth playing. But the on-rails exploration/gun play was anything but fun.
Suda needs to go talk to Kojima on how to make FUN weird games. lol.
This is how NMH will turn out, great story, funny and really good artstyle but crap gameplay. K7 was horrible to play.
There really was nothing wrong with Killer 7s gameplay it wasnt broken or buggy, I liked it, it was solid and served its purpose, but I guess some people are too impatient . NMH from all the previews I have seen of the game, which is probably a dozen since it was released, there has been overwhelming praise of how fun and great the gameplay is, despite its simplicity. It isnt broken or wanky, but does everything right and is extremely satisfying.
If you want to get a good review of the game check out sp0rsk's review on NeoGAF. NMH will be a game reviewers wont have any other choice but to give mediocre scores for its technical issues, but it will probably be praised otherwise for its freshness and originality and then demonized by others for being excessively violent and perversive but who really cares about those people.
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