Do we really need new consoles? NO we don't! What do we need? More games!! While Nintendo obviously needs to come out with a new system to catch up considering the Wii is wayyy outdated hardware wise. Maybe i'm alone on this one but I really don't wanna buy a new console for awhile especiallly when the majority ofgames are already priced at $60 a pop when they get released. I really hope Micro$oft doesn't screw us Xbox gamers over like they did before and Sony already said they have no plans on releasing a new console for awhile. While being a hardcore gamer it's kinda hard not to get excited about a new console no matter which big 3 it's coming from. I just think the current hardware *360/PS3* is good enough to last for awhile longer. On a side note this is why PC gaming is good because you can upgrade when you feel like it and don't have to shell out a bunch of money to upgrade.
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