In one week of sales - with change from £10 I have Driver San Fransisco, Dirt 3, and Humble Bundle 11.
More games than I could play through in months.
My set up - an original Xbox 360, 5 year old student laptop and a Wii.
The only new hardware I can see myself buying is a PS3.
I'm not against new hardware in principle, but I am becoming far too accustomed to purchasing all my games for £5 or under. Never mind which has the better resolution or which has better DRM policies. I wouldn't mind playing something like Titanfall but I can't see myself spending £40 to buy it new, and probably another £20 on DLC. I would upgrade my wii to a wii u, but my wii already plays windwaker; and nintendo games are too expensive for far too long.
Maybe I'm a cheapskate, but i just can't see how anyone could justify the spend.
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