first year exclusive resistance, motorstorm, ridge racer 7, lair, heavily sword, warhawk, uncharted, rachet and clank, haze, unreal 3, folklore, eye of judgement, 2 of sony's basket ball games nba or what ever there called, ngs, genji 2, untold legends, gundam, uncharted, ect. not shore if i miss any. that so far19 to 20exclusives in one year. but every one keeps on comparing it to a two year old system. then you have tekken on-line, star dust hd, flow, ect. in one year sony has put alot into it. then you have mutiplat games like oblivion ect. so don't say ps 3 has nothing to play.
yes i now some of these games are not that great but there are some that are like warhawk, heavily sword, ngs, motorstorm, resistance. ridge racer 7.the ones that are still to come out have a chance for being good also. but keep saying the 360 has a bettergame line up but all of these games like bioshock halo3 masseffect are all 2 year gen games and they look like sonys 1st year gen games like heavily sword, haze, unreal 3, rachet and clank, uncharted looks if not better then those three above. heavily sword has better face animations than mass effect and this is a first gen game.
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