I said on another thread that SONY fanboys were in denial. I was asked why and here is the answer.
Simply what I mean is that from what I have observed the remaining staunch SONY fans remain out of pride, stubborness, and nostalgia. Blind brand loyalty. See they think that simply because they had a great experience in the past that this implies it will be the same every generation. Sony's console is clearly not the best this time around and yet it costs the most.Graphically it will never have a game that looks like Gears of War for example because you cannot get a game to look like Gears with only 256 mb of video memmory. Also I believe the trend of PS3 "exclusives" going to 360 will continue because SONY's dev kit is the most difficult( and therefore the most costly) for third parties to use. Also budgets for titles like MGS4 counted on SONY doing far better and having a greater installed base by this point so because of this I find it likely that Assassain's Creed and Devil May Cry 4 are the begining ofa trend where companies will develop for 360 because it is cheaper to use their user friendly dev kit and also will sell more games with the larger installed base. Let's face it. Buisinesses are out to make money and it seems like SONY only wants to buy limited exclusivity for their AAA games( by the way I still have seen not a single one of those from them yet) rather then permanent. Remember when they were hyping Assassain's creed as their great exclusive game. The truth was that it was multi-plat the entire time and SONY payed Ubi-Soft to keep the MS version a secret so they could trick their fans at E3. See Sony only has smoke and mirrors for their fans but Nintendo and MS seem to actually be delivering. Basically to me that means I would rather buy the cheaper system with better graphics and games.
As far as Blu Ray is concerned I don't see why people see this as such a clincher. If Blu-Ray wins then Ill want to wait until it drops to around 200 bucks and get seperate blu-ray player because watching movies on a gaming system just makes it wear out more quickly. Also Time-Warner among other companies has a dual disc with blu-ray on one side and HD-DVD on the other which costs the same.
Last Gen I owned all three because PS2 had the most/best games. I had Xbox because the graphics were the best. I had Gamecube because it had the best first party games. This time Im buying the best value. 360 has the best games and graphics at the best price. I know Wii is cheaper but I find the graphics are pretty much the same as Gamecube and it seems more like a party machine then a hardcore gaming console. I might get it someday because I love Metroid and Zelda but for now Im holding off.
So that is what I mean by denial. Last time around someone with PS2 could really say their machine had the best games it was obviously true because the library was much greater and larger then any other systems. Now they have been around for almost a year and still not one single AAA has surfaced and lets face it. Any game that costs that much to make like a AAA calibre will be one with a developer that wants to make money so multi-plat is the logical way to go. Expect SONY to pretend like its exclusive as has been their strategy lately but you will be burned when the truth comes out when you realize you could just play it on a cheaper system with the same and often slightly better graphics. This time the Cows don't have much to go on but past memmories and empty promises of the future. Currently they have nothing and it looks like that won't change any time soon. I think I'm gonna go play Halo 3. Peace.
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